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USSR Is Dead, Long Live USSR?

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  • USSR Is Dead, Long Live USSR?

    USSR Is Dead, Long Live USSR?

    Comments - Saturday, 24 November 2012, 13:23

    On November 30 the second summit of the EPP Eastern Partnership will
    be held in Yerevan on November 30. The president of the European
    Commission José Manuel Barroso, the president of the European People's
    Party Wilfried Martens and the president of Georgia Mikhail
    Saakashvili will attend the summit.

    This event will be one among the steps aimed at further strengthening
    of relations between Armenia and the West. The West seems serious in
    its intentions to be an alternative to Russian dominance.

    Efforts are made in several directions - Armenia-France, U.S.-Armenia,
    NATO-Armenia. The U.K. Embassy initiative was announced to invite
    British businessmen to Armenia to study prospects of investments in
    Armenia. The U.S. ambassador announced the importance of U.S.
    investments in Armenia. A U.S.-Armenian memorandum of cooperation has
    been signed on energy, the U.S. military delegations have signed
    several important documents with the Armenian defense ministry on
    partnership. The NATO secretary general, then his special
    representative for the South Caucasus visited the region offering a
    new `menu' to the three republics.

    The EPP EaP Summit is an important link in the chain. In addition, it
    is interesting that the EaP summit will take place on November 30, the
    next day of establishment of the Soviet government in Armenia. It
    symbolizes the period following Soviet Armenia.

    Interestingly, reported that the leader of the Prosperous
    Armenia Party has said to announce his decision on running in the
    presidential election on November 30.

    The EPP had earlier rejected the PAP's application of for membership
    and accepted the applications of the other three parties: RPA, Rule of
    Law and Heritage. Three were accepted, the fourth was refused. Later
    on the Prosperous Armenia Party intensified contacts in the Eurasian
    area and is now the flagman of this idea.

    It is possible that Gagik Tsarukyan chose this date on purpose. Most
    probably, this decision will be on his nomination or nomination of
    another candidate by the PAP which will be equal to nomination of the
    Eurasian idea. Moreover, it should not be ruled out that not Gagik
    Tsarukyan but the Eurasian union, i.e. Russia has decided to respond
    to the EPP event in Armenia. In other words, Gagik Tsarukyan's
    decision to run or to nominate another candidate of the PAP will be
    Russia's answer to the European integration of Armenia. Russia and
    Gagik Tsarukyan will try to stand on Armenia's way to the West and
    announce: `the USSR is dead, long live the USSR'.
