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Opposition MP renounces presidential nomination, backs party leader

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  • Opposition MP renounces presidential nomination, backs party leader News, Armenia
    Nov 21 2012

    Armenian opposition MP renounces presidential nomination, backs party leader

    [Translated from Armenian]

    Former Armenian foreign minister and currently MP Vardan Oskanyan from
    the Prosperous Armenia (PA) party has said that he would back party
    leader Gagik Tsarukyan's nomination for the presidential race in 2013,
    the website reported on 20 November, referring to a post by
    Oskanyan in his Facebook account.

    "In spite of the fact that my nomination at Gagik Tsarukyan's proposal
    was considered as a prime option, party members have spoken in favour
    of Tsarukyan's nomination, which I support," said, quoting
    Oskanyan's Facebook post. According to the news website, Oskanyan said
    that initial consultations with local structures of the PA showed that
    party activists backed the decision to nominate their own contender
    and that Gagik Tsarukyan should be the nominee.

    Referring to the recent political consultations initiated by the PA on
    changes in the election and governance systems in Armenia, Oskanyan
    said that the society, as well as political factions saw the need "to
    take the country out of the current dire straits" through combined
    efforts and possibly a joint presidential candidate based on a "common
    agenda, supposing social consolidation and serious systemic

    In the meantime, Gagik Tsarukyan gave a short interview to the
    news website, in which he said that the decision on the nomination for
    the presidential election in 2013 had been taken, but refrained from
    directly answering whether he would be nominated or not. "I have taken
    a decision for myself. However, the election law enables me not to
    announce it and I make use of that opportunity," quoted the PA
    leader as saying.
