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Politicians Lost To Oligarchs

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  • Politicians Lost To Oligarchs

    Siranuysh Papyan
    Interview - Monday, 26 November 2012, 12:06

    Interview with Vardan Jaloyan, culture studies

    Mr. Jaloyan, is oligarchy something new?

    The oligarchy told people 'I will do what I want'. The political elite,
    both government and opposition, said I will serve you.

    The oligarchy is the rule of criminal money. This is a recent
    phenomenon. Oligarchy refuses calm discussion, rational debate,
    prefers hysteria, boasting, terrorism. The oligarchic government is
    the first obstacle to our development, it is an important pillar of
    our current government.

    Simply go and see what crucial decisions they make for our country
    while high, in a hysteric psychosis. The society must demand that
    decisions should not be made when high. We all have the right to demand
    this. I hope my message will get to them. I hope you will be helpful.

    They are such brutes that I will not analyze what they say and do.

    How about the force that cooperates with oligarchs which has defined
    the system as oligarchic? What are your thoughts?

    It is a complicated issue. In 2001 Robert Kocharyan understood that
    it is better to deal with = influential people rather than politicians.

    The politicians lost lo the oligarchs, and it was a big change. Now
    the question - do we want the politicians or the oligarchs to solve
    our problems? Levon Ter-Petrosyan says the oligarchs are better and
    stated ready to deal with them. The electorate is very important,
    influential people are important.

    Now people who are more influential than oligarchs and the old
    political nomenclature are needed. This will be the meaning of the
    election of 2013.

    It appears that Levon Ter-Petrosyan is using Kocharyan's mechanism,
    preferring oligarchs to politicians.

    He tried to invent a new mechanism of decision making but failed and
    returned to Kocharyan's model. Yes, the attitude of both to political
    figures is amazing.

    Or maybe they do not prefer political figures because there are no
    real politicians?

    No, there are lots of politicians. The country is swarming with
    politicians. There are no political issues. Take, for instance,
    unemployment, poverty, inflation, youth issues. The politicians
    hypocritically say that those are natural disasters and cannot be
    resolved. If these problems are returned on the agenda, politics will
    return as well. There will be real politicians. I personally think
    those are solvable problems.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress