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Mockery - A New Political Category

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  • Mockery - A New Political Category

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    16:44 27/11/2012

    Armenia is a small country where most people know each other, are
    relatives or friends. It seems that the concept of "cheating" should
    not exist in this country. Besides relatives, there are other people
    in Armenia and since it is difficult to earn money in our country
    with honest work, "cheating" is the main means of earning. Everyone
    cheats, including banks, customs' offices. Government agencies do it
    in accordance with the law, shops do it illegally, such as by using
    imprecise scales.

    Cheating has even become a life style. A lot of people prefer cheating
    to real earning. Moreover, everyone is used to being cheated and the
    only way to take revenge is also cheating.

    Cheat and be cheated - this is a phenomenon related to dignity. Ask
    a person with self respect and they will say that they don't like
    to be cheated on. The right to fair treatment is not included in
    international conventions but this is also a basic right of each

    Violations of human rights in Armenia at each step and lack of
    complaint is an indicator of the low level of dignity in the country.

    False dignity is more than necessary. Try to insult someone's mother,
    or say that Uzbeks are better than Armenians, they will kick your ass.

    But no one will fight against their mothers getting wrong treatment
    in hospitals and paying for it.

    The culture of cheating is so deeply established in Armenia that it
    is gradually acquiring better forms. Acceptance of cheating as a game
    and waiting for the inevitable defeat has crystallized a new culture -
    the mockery. They haze people at the highest level.

    How else can you call statements made in parliament that a 2.5
    thousand dram increase to minimum wage is quite a lot and people
    can buy a lot more on this money? How about the appointment of a
    famous poacher as director of Khosrov reserve? And how else can one
    call the statement of the head of the State Revenue Committee that
    monopoly for the import of paper for cash registered is a necessity,
    and it should belong to him if not mockery.

    This is not cynicism but banal unpunished mockery. There are two
    options. Either Armenians' dignity awakes, and they punish every
    violation of their right to fair treatment or dignity dies out,
    and the first serfdom state of the 21st century is built in Armenia.
