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Baku: Us Embassy: Ambassador Morningstar's Message Was Completely Di

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  • Baku: Us Embassy: Ambassador Morningstar's Message Was Completely Di


    WASHINGTON, D.C. November 23, 2012. The reports by the Azerbaijani
    official state media about the US Ambassador Richard Morningstar's
    comments during his trip to the Nakhchivan region not only were
    untrue, but they completely distorted the message and purpose of the
    Ambassador's trip. That is according to the information from the US
    Embassy in Baku that has been communicated to Azeri Report.

    The source at the Embassy drew attention to the Embassy's press-release
    issued on Wednesday Nov 21 that refuted the official Azerbaijani
    media reports about Ambassador Morningstar praising the development of
    democracy in Nakhchivan. He did not make any such comments to anyone
    and stating so is the obvious distortion of the Ambassador's message
    during his trip, according to the source. Quite contrary to praising
    the current state of affairs regarding democracy, his meeting with
    the journalist Malahat Nasibova was intended as a show of support
    for human rights defenders as her, who are the outspoken critics of
    the authorities' record on democracy.

    As was previously reported, both Azerbaijan's central and the region's
    local official news agencies published stories on Nov 5 claiming that
    the US Ambassador praised the democratic development in Azerbaijan's
    Nakhchivan region during his trip there. This became a subject of
    controversy, since Azerbaijan is well-known for its very poor record
    on human rights and democracy and Nakhchivan ranks even worse than
    the rest of the country.

    In his comments to Azeri Report on this issue, Elmar Chakhtakhtinski,
    the chairman of the US-based Azerbaijani-Americans for Democracy
    (AZAD) said: "I am glad that the US Embassy issued a refutation. It
    is outrageous that the Azerbaijani official state media wrongly
    attributes such statements to a US Ambassador. I do not see how a
    distortion of this magnitude can be an honest mistake on the part
    of the government media. The Aliyev regime is well-known for its
    uncivilized propaganda tactics, and now they seem to use the US
    Ambassador's name in their campaign."

    "Not only it is against any diplomatic norms and journalistic ethics,
    but it can be very damaging to America's reputation and moral
    standing. A swift and clear condemnation of such attempts from the
    US government is required to prevent these incidents", added Mr.


    In a further development, the Azerbaijan's State Telegraph Agency,
    AzerTac (similar to Russia's state news agency ITAR-TASS), seems
    to have removed today its news report mentioning the US Ambassador
    praising "development of democracy" in Nakhchivan. The link to that
    news report on AzerTac's English language site now comes back with
    "Page Not Found" message. It can be seen as the Azerbaijani side
    starting to back down from its news story.

    As of today, Nakhchivan's official state news portal still has the
    story on its Azeri-language site. Two other pro-government sites, the
    Azerbaijani online news agency and the recently established
    Washington, DC based Azerbaijani-American Alliance also still have
    the same story on their websites in English language, with
    referencing AzerTac as the original source (Azeri Report).
