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Serzh Sargsyan Had No Other Way

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Had No Other Way

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 10:24:36 - 03/10/2012

    Interview with Stepan Danielyan, chairperson of the Collaboration
    for Democracy Centre NGO

    Stepan, the parliament approved the motion of the prosecutor general to
    strip Vartan Oskanian of immunity which was followed by a statement of
    the U.S. embassy expressing concerns over this. Is this a miscalculated
    political game?

    I think Serzh Sargsyan had no other way. The government~Rs propaganda
    machine wanted to instill several ideas in the public. The first is
    that they are pro-Western, while Prosperous Armenia is pro-Russian. As
    soon as Serzh Sargsyan is not the president, Kocharyan will be one,
    which means Sargsyan is the lesser of two evils. But if Oskanian
    represented Prosperous Armenia in the presidential elections, these
    theses would collapse.

    Serzh Sargsyan would be unable to compete with a political figure
    like Oskanian. It is also important to understand that the government
    has always attached an importance to sham oppositional candidates
    but this possibility has expired too. Only force remains, or Serzh
    Sargsyan had to retreat prior to the elections because I think the
    government can~Rt be removed through elections.

    May the upcoming election in Armenia have an unexpected turn, like
    the Georgian elections?

    There is no similarity with Georgia. With time the society will
    appreciate Saakashvili more and he may return one day. It wouldn~Rt be
    a surprise to me if Ivanishvili and Saakashvili had some agreement. If
    it is true, Georgia has made a leap toward the change of government
    through elections. This is a huge progress. You see no similarity
    with Armenia. If Kocharyan returns, we should thank Serzh and Tigran
    Sargsyans. Under such irresponsible and perhaps even criminal policy,
    the only issue of the society is salvation and not development. The
    savior can be only the one who would be able to control by force the
    state machine which has grown into a criminal gang, as well as the
    monopolies. Sargsyans has freed us from the possibility to choose and I
    think they will be caught in the trap into which they want to lure us.

    So do we replace one brutal system with another?

    We don't change any brutal system, we are in the same system. The
    issue of change of system should be discussed thoroughly. This
    has nothing in common with the change of government. Those who are
    trying to persuade us that there is a fight between the pro-Western
    and pro-Russian forces want to deceive us. The fight in Armenia is
    among clans, not among different values.
