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Armenia Ruling Party Threatens Election Rival, Independent Media Out

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  • Armenia Ruling Party Threatens Election Rival, Independent Media Out

    by Olivia Katrandjian

    Oct 2 2012

    An attack on a former foreign minister of Armenia is threatening to
    shut down one of the country's most active and innovative non-profit

    Vartan Oskanian, a U.S.-educated Armenian who served as foreign
    minister from 1998 to 2008, stands accused of money laundering for
    a donation he accepted from American businessman and philanthropist
    Jon Hunstman Sr., father of the former U.S. presidential candidate.

    Oskanian is widely expected to challenge the incumbent president
    Serge Sargsyan, whose first term in office expires early next year.

    After leaving his post as foreign minister, Oskanian established the
    Civilitas Foundation in 2008 in order to strengthen Armenia's civil
    society. Since its creation, the foundation has received funding from
    a number of Western governments, as well as the OSCE, a number of
    international non-governmental organizations, and individual donors
    from around the world. Huntsman Sr. was one of these donors.

    Huntsman Sr. contributed nearly $2 million to Civilitas in January
    2011. At the time, the Armenian tax authorities said nothing. In May
    2012, Oskanian was elected to parliament as a member of the Prosperous
    Armenia Party on a platform of doing away with political and economic
    monopolies. Two weeks later, the Prosperous Armenia Party announced
    it would not join a coalition with the ruling party, a decision which
    Oskanian had championed. The very next day, the National Security
    Service, the successor agency to the former KGB, opened a criminal
    file on money laundering and said that Oskanian and the Civilitas
    Foundation were involved.

    "It's hard to believe the timing was a coincidence," said Ophelia
    Harutyunyan, who worked as a producer at CivilNet and is now enrolled
    in the graduate film program at Columbia University.

    On Tuesday, the ruling majority in the Armenian Parliament voted
    to remove Oskanian's parliamentary immunity, in order to charge him
    with expropriating funds and money laundering. If convicted, Oskanian
    could face between four and 12 years in prison.

    The Armenian government can, at any time, freeze the Civilitas bank
    account and office resources, essentially shutting down the foundation,
    putting over 60 people out of work, and putting an end to the many
    successful development projects they have started in the country.

    Most of Civilitas' employees are young adults who have been educated
    abroad, and who work tirelessly to strengthen civil society by hosting
    debates, building libraries, and establishing microfinance development
    projects, to name just a few initiatives.

    "Civilitas has created a space for people like me to work and
    foster positive change in Armenia," said Diana Muradova, an editor
    at Civilitas. "Our country is facing hard socio-economic conditions
    and we have a severe lack of adequate-paying jobs, but Civilitas
    has given more than 60 educated people an incentive to stay here for
    development of civil society and free media."

    With few professional opportunities, many educated Armenians choose
    to leave the country in search of work. In 2011, 43,800 people left
    the country, 1.3% of the population. Since 2000, 236,200 people have
    migrated from Armenia, which is 7.2% of the population.

    "What Civilitas represents for me is getting young, multilingual
    Armenians to believe that change was possible - that you didn't
    have to leave Armenia for change to happen," said Greg Bilazarian,
    who worked as a producer at Civilitas and now attends Yale School of
    Management. "This is going to severely hurt people who have chosen
    to put their faith and energy into something that could change their

    In 2011, the foundation began to publish a daily newspaper and
    launched CivilNet, a multilingual online news channel with funding
    from the Huntsman donation. In a country where most media outlets
    are controlled by the government, CivilNet is one of few unbiased
    sources of information.

    "We delivered a kind of journalism that most people hadn't seen
    before in Armenia. We never covered stuff simply for ratings. We let
    people work on stories that really mattered. It would be devastating
    if anything were to happen to Civilitas, especially if it happened in
    the name of politics to people who are not working for Vartan Oskanian
    to get elected, they're working to better their civil society, for
    women's rights, for the environment," said Bilazarian.

    CivilNet was very active during the Armenian parliamentary elections
    last May, producing videos of blatant election fraud, which the
    prosecutor's office failed to investigate. If Civilitas is shut down,
    the upcoming presidential elections will be covered mainly by media
    organizations controlled by the government or the opposition.

    Full disclosure: I volunteered as a journalist at Civilitas for five
    months in 2010. I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to
    work with such a talented, hardworking group of people in a country
    where inefficiency is the norm. As an Armenian American, not only am
    I am involved in the process of civil society building in Armenia,
    but I am also a member of the Armenian diaspora, which raises a lot
    of money for Armenian charities.

    If Civilitas is shut down, it would be a giant step backward not only
    in the fight for a less corrupt and more democratic Armenia, but also
    for all the members of the diaspora who work to make their motherland
    a better place, and for all those who believe in freedom of the press.

    An earlier version of this article was published in the Huffington
