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2012 Election: Grimy Gatto IV

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  • 2012 Election: Grimy Gatto IV


    Monday, October 1st, 2012

    It's time again to study the malefic doings of our least-favorite
    member of the California State Assembly, Mike Gatto. This should
    remind everyone of why it's so important to vote in the November 6
    election, and, if you live in the 43rd Assembly district, to vote
    for Greg Krikorian over Gatto.

    Let's start with an example of Mike's public pronouncements being
    not quite consistent with one another as he pursues undeserved
    credibility. Regardless of what your position is on the I-710
    extension, you'll see how Gatto trips up over his own insecurity.

    In March of 2010, when asked his position on the 710 issue, Mike told
    the Glendale Sunroom Desk that he was still researching the matter
    of the 710 tunnel proposal. Yet in a letter-to-the-editor Gatto wrote
    regarding an article that he said misrepresented his position on the
    710 question , he claimed "I have been, and continue to be, opposed
    to the extension of the Long Beach (710) Freeway in any form." Really?

    That wasn't his position a short time before, as proven by the first
    article I cited.

    Of course there's nothing wrong with holding off on taking a position
    until you've properly studied an issue. There's not even anything wrong
    with changing your position on an issue when exposed to the facts
    or a majority of your constituents' desires. But there is something
    wrong with pretending to have always held the given opinion when that
    isn't the case. This kind of disingenuousness is a highly undesirable
    trait in an elected official. Straightforwardness and integrity are
    far more important, but the likes of Mike don't get it.

    Another version of this "slickness" manifested itself when it took
    some four months to set up a meeting with Assemblymember Mike Gatto to
    address Armenian community needs. A January appointment had been made
    to for numerous Armenian organizations to meet with the Assemblymember
    to discuss community needs and how to address them. This got postponed
    at Gatto's request. No problem, things like this happen. So it went to
    February, but was delayed again to later in the month, then to March.

    Finally, a meeting did take place with Gatto's office, but on the
    ANCA's Sacramento lobby day, in April. The nature of that meeting was
    unavoidably different, shorter, and more specific-issue-oriented than
    broad-community-needs-oriented. This is disrespectful, at best. It also
    demonstrates a fundamental disregard for what amounts to approximately
    1/3 of this particular assembly district's population.

    So because Gatto doesn't care about the Armenian community, except
    when he has to sow discord within it for his electoral purposes, what
    could have been a very meaningful discussion, even an opportunity to
    improve a tense relationship, became a downgraded meeting.

    You can see how Mike Gatto is always trying to play people to suit
    his needs. You may argue that all politicians do that. There' some
    truth to that notion. But, they don't do that to the exclusion of
    productive engagement with their constituents.

    It's time to rid the 43rd assembly district of Mike Gatto and his
    shenanigans. Make sure you vote in the upcoming election, and you
    vote with this necessity in mind.
