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Tsarukyan Should Resign First

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  • Tsarukyan Should Resign First

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:22:30 - 04/10/2012

    Next week, a few Russian senators owning private companies, will
    announce resignation, Izvestia reports referring to its source in
    the upper chamber of the parliament.

    An open campaign on expulsion of businessmen from the parliament
    is launched in Russia. In Armenia, which had stated prior to the
    parliamentary elections that the future parliament would host no
    businessman, still has a number of businessmen-MPs. This is why no
    one believes the words of the prime minister who promises to find
    solution to the problems in the sphere of state procurements. It is
    evident that until the law forbidding officials run businesses does not
    function in Armenia, they will use levers to promote their business.

    Someone should be the first to announce resignation from parliament.

    This person should be Gagik Tsarukyan, whose party criticizes the
    government, calls its economic policy a failure, dwells on the
    law breaches, but at the same time, its leader is one of the major
    businessmen in Armenia who is still a Member of Parliament.

    Gagik Tsarukyan's resignation may become a real step by the Prosperous
    Armenia in the fight against the systemic crisis. This may be also
    a stimulus for the Republican Party, which may finally make its
    oligarchs leave the parliament.

    Several MPs have already resigned after the parliamentary elections.

    Ruben Hairapetyan was forced to lay down his mandate due to the
    Harsnakar case, Samvel Balasanyan assumed the office of Gyumri Mayor,
    Raffi Hovannisian didn't even provide reasons for his resignation. In
    the meantime, we need a precedent of resignation for preferring
    business to politics.

    Gagik Tsarukyan's presence in the parliament is unnecessary. His
    party has an influential parliamentary group. Besides, none of
    the oppositional parties' leaders is in the parliament - Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan laid down the mandate, Hrant Margaryan is never engaged
    in the parliament, Raffi Hovannisian resigned. And if Gagik Tsarukyan
    wants to be in the parliament for immunity reasons, then the story
    with Vartan Oskanian proves that it is not a guarantee.

    Prosperous Armenia is boycotting this current session of the
    parliament, but the boycott is not an action, if the party does not
    change the platform of its policy. For now, the RPA has only reflected
    on events exceptionally related to it. The maximum it was able to do
    was to criticize the government.

    But it is time to go further and show how it is possible to respect
    the law and separate the business and the power.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress