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End Of "compatriots"?: Government Says Russian Immigration Program U

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  • End Of "compatriots"?: Government Says Russian Immigration Program U

    By Julia Hakobyan

    Society | 04.10.12 | 14:08

    The controversial Russian immigration program called "Compatriots",
    under which citizens of post-Soviet republics are enabled to become
    permanent residents in remote provinces of the Russian Federation,
    appears to have caused concerns at the government level in Armenia.

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said on Wednesday that the realization
    of this program that effectively encourages outward migration is
    unacceptable for Armenia.

    "Compatriots", which some call the Russian equivalent of the U.S.
    Diversity Visa Program, or "Green Card", was initiated following
    the decree by the Russian president in 2006 with the main purpose of
    settling sparsely populated Russian provinces and compensating for the
    natural loss of the population in this country that has the largest
    territory in the world and a population of only about 140 million.

    Citizens of post-Soviet countries who speak Russian and have families
    and meet some other criteria of the program sign contracts under which
    they settle in one of the 38 entities of the Russian Federation. There
    they get a job, a lump sum government payment (starting from $5,000),
    as well as have favorable conditions for purchasing property or land
    and enjoy some other benefits. The Russian government thus hopes to
    replenish the country's dwindling working-age population, a major
    demographic concern for the country at present.

    The program was first launched in Armenia in 2009 and quickly became
    a reason for criticism leveled at the Armenian government, which,
    by agreeing to become a participating country, probably had expected
    to derive some use out of this enterprise in the form of remittances
    wired to Armenia by migrants from abroad and seen as a major source
    to reduce social tensions in the country.

    Labor migration and remittances are a major component of the economy
    of Armenia, where the average monthly salary amounts to $150, and the
    average size of a remittance from Russia to almost $500, which on an
    annual basis accounts for nearly 10 percent of the nation's Gross
    Domestic Product. Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed this
    circumstance while meeting his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan
    in Moscow in August.

    According to various estimations, the annual amount of international
    transfers to Armenia makes $1.5-2 billion.

    According to the data of the Armenian Migration Service, during the
    past four years the "Compatriots" program in Armenia had a total
    of 26,000 applicants, of whom 1,500 have given up their Armenian
    citizenship and moved to live in Russia.

    According to the Russian Federal Migration Service, nearly 10 percent
    of the participants who filled out questionnaires of the program in
    the first quarter of this year are residents of Armenia.

    Given the fact that more than a million people have already left
    Armenia since the country gained independence in 1991, these figures
    cannot but be viewed as alarming. Still, in the past the government
    itself seemed to take it in its stride, saying that there wasn't
    any serious outflow of the population from the country. Meanwhile,
    the negative balance of Armenia's migration in 2011 made 43,820 -
    a sharp rise from the 2008 figure of only 23,000.

    During the question-and-answer session with government members in the
    National Assembly on October 3 opposition Heritage faction lawmaker
    Alexander Arzumanyan asked Prime Minister Sargsyan to comment on
    the fact that the state migration service of a foreign state is
    actively operating in the territory of Armenia, which results in
    thousands of citizens permanently leaving the country and giving
    up their citizenship against the backdrop of a generally high level
    of out-migration.

    The prime minister said that the government, too, was concerned
    about this problem. He said the issue had been raised at meetings
    with Russian counterparts, including within the framework of the
    intergovernmental commission between the two countries. Sargsyan said
    that the Armenian side considered unacceptable the implementation of
    such a program in its present format.

    "We have expressed our clear position. It is known to the political
    leadership of Russia. The 'Compatriots' program will no longer operate
    in Armenia in this format. The activities of such an organization in
    Armenia are not permissible," said the prime minister.

    Sargsyan added that the issue will be included in the agenda of
    the Armenian-Russian intergovernmental commission that will meet in
    Yerevan on October 12. Sargsyan said he was sure that the Russian side
    understood and accepted the position of Armenia regarding the program.

    Meanwhile, conditions of the program are changing to make it more
    attractive to potential migrants. From September this year, a contract
    with migrants is signed for an indefinite period of time, whereas
    previously it was only two years (after which it could be extended).

    Another major change in the program broadens the circle of relatives
    considered to be "family" so they could be taken along to Russia -
    another step that apparently makes it easier for people to make up
    their minds to emigrate for good.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress