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Egoyan, Tankian, U.S. Embassy On The Case Against Oskanian

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  • Egoyan, Tankian, U.S. Embassy On The Case Against Oskanian

    Published: Thursday October 04, 2012

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    Atom Egoyan
    Member of the Civilitas Foundation Honorary Board
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    October 1, 2012

    I have known Vartan Oskanian for many years, and believe that he is a
    brilliant statesman, committed to Armenia's prosperity and well-being.

    He is a truly international presence, capable of creating important
    bonds and bringing cherished ideas of democratic reform and free
    media to a country that is still recovering from over seventy years
    of Soviet-era control.

    With this in mind, I immediately accepted Mr. Oskanian's invitation
    to lend my name to the formation of Civilitas. I have watched as this
    vital organization has helped shape the course of open discussion
    and debate within a country I cherish and so proud of. This is why
    I am so shocked and upset by the current charges that have been
    brought against Mr. Oskanian. The persecution of Vartan Oskanian
    is a deplorable and politically motivated action which is extremely
    dangerous to the health of the country.

    I urge the Prosecutor General of Armenia to seriously consider the
    consequences of removing Vartan Oskanian's immunity and to charge
    him with this trumped-up charge. This action is being watched with
    great concern by anyone who is concerned with freedom of expression
    in a truly democratic and modern country.

    Serj Tankian Singer, Musician, Political Activist Member of the
    Civilitas Foundation Honorary Board Los Angeles, California, US
    October 1, 2012

    The persecution of Vartan Oskanian, former foreign minister of Armenia,
    is clearly politically motivated.

    The funds from Jon Huntsman Sr were donated to Civilitas via Oskanian
    in early 2011.

    Yet the proceedings against Mr. Oskanian were brought on only after
    he re-entered politics in Armenia this year.

    Civilitas, the non-profit organization started by Mr. Oskanian,
    has done amazing work in Armenia, as well as diplomatically abroad,
    for Armenia.

    It is extremely important for a developing democracy to shun the
    monopolization of media, industries, and political offices.

    It is also very important for Armenian citizens to be able to express
    their choices and grievances by voting in free and fair elections,
    monitored by reputable international polling organizations.

    For centuries we have been controlled by one foreign entity or
    another. Although we have allegiances, allies, and the need for aid
    as a nation, our democracy and economy should not be victimized by
    influences from the West (U.S. mainly), nor Russia.

    We must collectively rise out of this short sighted Soviet-era need
    to control industries and politics to allow our countrymen the freedom
    of expression earned over centuries of struggle.

    >>From the U.S. Embassy in Armenia:

    October 2, 2012

    "We have been following the legal case against former Foreign Minister
    Oskanian carefully and are very concerned by recent developments. We
    hope that this case does not represent a politically motivated and
    selective enforcement of Armenian law, as this would detract from
    efforts to promote greater transparency and reform in the legal,
    justice and legislative sectors in Armenia."
