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The Gift Of Mobility

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  • The Gift Of Mobility

    Community | September 27, 2012 11:17 am

    Garine, 12, receives a walker, left, and an elliptical, right, for
    her physical therapy.

    PTGHUNK, Armenia and SEAL BEACH, Calif. - The Armenian Lighthouse
    Charitable Foundation (ALCF), the organization formerly known as
    Paros "Lighthouse" Charitable Foundation, cares for the sick and
    injured who are marginalized and often forgotten. As part of its
    community outreach initiative, called Husi Jerag (Light of Hope),
    ALCF has given the gift of mobility to dozens of disabled children
    and adults throughout Armenia. This vital assistance is made possible
    with donations of wheelchairs, walkers and other equipment from
    ALCF supporters in the US. ALCF collects all forms of gently-used
    medical equipment on a year-round basis, and has a long waiting list
    of disabled children and adults in need of immediate assistance.

    One recent beneficiary of ALCF's outreach is Susanna, age 50,
    from Yerevan. Susanna was paralyzed from the neck down following an
    automobile accident that claimed the life of her husband. The accident
    occurred when Susanna and her husband had just spent a weekend with
    their son in Tavush where he was serving in the army. Following
    the accident, she spent two years in the hospital recuperating from
    her injuries. When her son returned from the army, the pressure and
    stress of caring for an invalid parent become too overwhelming for
    him, and he refused to see her. With the exception of a cousin who
    came once a day to feed her, Susanna was stranded and utterly alone.

    A few months ago, ALCF learned about Susanna's plight from the doctor
    who is treating her. ALCF staff quickly took action and brought her an
    electric wheelchair designed specifically for paraplegics. They also
    spent time with Susanna training her to operate the new chair. Because
    of this wheelchair, Susanna has a renewed feeling of independence
    with the ability to ride around her home and venture outdoors.

    Garine, age 12, has also received the gift of mobility from Armenian
    Lighthouse Charitable Foundation. Garine was a healthy, active, young
    girl with a bright future. Without warning, one day she began to lose
    strength and movement in her legs. While her doctors have not been
    able to diagnose the cause, Garine's mobility has been compromised.

    She can only walk holding someone's hand and sways unsteadily from
    side to side.

    Recently, Garine and her mother visited ALCF's center in Ptghunk,
    and Garine was given a walker. The next day, her mother returned
    asking if the foundation could also provide some type of equipment
    to help strengthen Garine's legs. ALCF gave her an elliptical,
    and Garine uses it for her own physical therapy. In the meantime,
    ALCF is working with Garine and her family to determine the cause
    of her disability. Gagik, age 55, lives in the Gegharkunik region
    and is a war veteran. During the war, he lost both of his legs in
    battle. Since sustaining his injuries, Gagik has fashioned a car for
    himself to control the accelerator and brake pedals with his hands. On
    a recent visit to ALCF's center, Gagik received an electric wheelchair.

    Delighted with this new piece of equipment, he treated the staff of
    ALCF to cognac and chocolate. ALCF provides the maintenance on all
    the equipment that it donates to needy individuals.

    Husi Jerag offers desperately-needed services to the local community
    including vocational training, psychological counseling and therapy,
    sewing and cooking classes, women's health services, feeding the poor
    and elderly, supporting a local kindergarten, weekly Bible study,
    family sponsorships and donations of essential goods to the needy
    in Armenia and Artsakh. In addition to Husi Jerag, ALCF operates a
    shelter for abused women and girls, with open doors to the children
    of these victims.

    Zuhrab and Seta Ghazarian are the founders of Armenian Lighthouse
    Charitable Foundation. They have been engaged in charity work and
    community outreach for underprivileged and underserved Armenians since
    1996. The idea grew out of their concern for at-risk Armenian women
    and children as well as preserving the integrity of the Armenian
    family. Armenian Lighthouse Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
    non-profit, public benefit corporation registered in the State of
    California and Republic of Armenia.

    Donations are needed to advance this work. The organization invites
    travelers to Armenia to visit its 13,000 sq.-ft. complex in Ptghunk
    and witness first-hand its work.

    Contributions to ALCF can be mailed to: PO Box 3595, Seal Beach,
    CA 90740.
