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Istanbul: The Battle Over Red Lines And Deadlines

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  • Istanbul: The Battle Over Red Lines And Deadlines


    Today's Zaman
    Oct 4 2012

    "The red line must be drawn on Iran's nuclear enrichment program,"
    declared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the general
    debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly of the UN, demanding
    that the international community take concrete action in response to
    the growing nuclear threat from Tehran.

    As discussions about the Iranian nuclear program continue in the
    media, it is becoming clear that some experts are trying to locate
    the fuse to this ticking "bomb" in the South Caucasus region, notably
    Azerbaijan, which they believe may have plans to assist Israel in
    its military intervention.

    It is clear that Israel's present strategy on Iran is to tell other
    states what they should feel threatened by and what policies they
    should implement to counter that threat. After international media
    speculation restarted over Azerbaijan having promised to let Israel
    use its territory, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reiterated that
    Baku "will not allow its territory to be used by third countries."

    Over the past month, the situation in the South Caucasus has become
    more complicated: The lines for peace are weakening, becoming red
    lines of hostility. The controversial release of convicted army
    lieutenant Ramil Safarov (jailed in Hungary for killing an Armenian
    officer during a NATO-sponsored training course and given a hero's
    welcome upon his return to Baku) demonstrates once again that when
    deadlines for peace are unreasonably postponed, hostilities may
    simmer for years. Such conditions make conflicting parties more
    likely to accept third-party perceptions of threats as their own,
    rendering them more open to playing "threat perception" games with
    one another on the international stage.

    Within the complex and complicated dynamics of the South Caucasus,
    experts and politicians have sometimes misunderstood the dual risks of
    "red lines" and "deadlines." The actors and factors may be unchanging,
    but threat perception compels players to re-examine the conditions
    of the game.

    First of all, it is not Israeli rhetoric but the facts of Iranian
    foreign policy that cause Azerbaijan to be wary of Tehran's
    regional policy, which sometimes manifests as angry enmity. Clearly,
    Azerbaijan's closeness to Israel angers Iran, which since the Iranian
    Revolution has identified the Jewish state as "Little Satan." The
    moniker of "Great Satan" is assigned to the US, and Iran identifies
    Azerbaijan as "a friend of the Satans." Additionally, Iran's support
    for the fundamental Islamist movement in Azerbaijan, along with
    several attempted terrorist attacks, have weakened trust in Tehran.

    But, on the other hand, Iran's close cooperation with Armenia has
    troubled bilateral relations since the early 1990s. By the mid-1990s,
    however, Azerbaijan had largely accepted this situation. But because
    there is no economic benefit or logic to the deepening Iranian-Armenian
    ties in the energy sector, the mutual benefits of this cooperation
    raise questions. Even though Iran's main gas reserves are concentrated
    in the south of the country, the northern part is more industrially
    developed because, due to sanctions, it cannot develop infrastructure
    (due to a lack of technology and capacity).

    Thus, Iran cannot meet its domestic natural gas demands; however,
    it can buy natural gas from Azerbaijan without any additional
    investment and supply it to its northern regions rather than invest in
    infrastructure that would also transport a limited volume of natural
    gas to Armenia. In this sense, Azerbaijan is gradually turning away
    from Iran, but not by allowing Israel to use its territory in a
    possible military intervention; rather, it is doing so by demanding
    the rights of the more than 20 million ethnic Azerbaijanis who live
    in northern Iran. This was Iran's fear in the 1990s, and now this
    red line is rapidly heating up.

    Azerbaijan's calculations about Iran, and its attendant political
    positions, are aligning it increasingly with the US. In July, US
    Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher sent a letter to Secretary
    of State Hillary Clinton urging the United States to back freedom for
    ethnic Azeris in Iran, and, on Sept. 12, the congressman presented a
    draft text stating that the Azeri people, currently divided between
    Azerbaijan and Iran, have the right to self-determination and to
    their own sovereign country if they so choose. Given that Congressman
    Rohrabacher supported the Armenian genocide resolution in 2010 and
    is one of the members of the Friends of Israel in Congress, this move
    cannot be dismissed out of hand as non-objective.

    Israel's intentions are also clear; Netanyahu is increasingly diverging
    from the US's current stance on Iran and is therefore unilaterally
    developing Israel's alliance profile in the South Caucasus. Israel
    long ago presented itself as the security guarantor of Azerbaijan and
    Georgia in the absence of the US in the region, warning that the Obama
    administration will not see the Caucasus as a priority. There may also
    be hope on the part of some Israelis that Iranian-Azerbaijani tensions
    could provide its casus belli if Iran -- openly or "accidentally" --
    uses military force against Azerbaijan.

    This thinking may not be shared by many experts and officials in
    Azerbaijan and Israel, but both sides are aware that in the event of
    any possible military intervention in Iran, Tehran will likely attack
    Azerbaijan's main energy fields.

    In such circumstances, Iran's misguided policy on Azerbaijan has
    inflamed the lines of conflict and made the Azerbaijani public more
    eager to defend the rights of Azerbaijanis living in Iran; in the
    meantime, the deadlines for conflict resolution have passed. Countries
    in the Caucasus are suspended by a "balance of threat" perception.
