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Washington: Statement By Ambassador Bohlen On Tolerance At The Osce

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  • Washington: Statement By Ambassador Bohlen On Tolerance At The Osce


    US Official News
    October 3, 2012 Wednesday

    Department of US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, The
    Government of USA has issued the following news release:

    OSCE commitments to encourage equality of opportunity among women
    and men go back to the Helsinki Final Act of 1975. These have been
    further elaborated over the years, and in 2000 and 2004, we adopted
    OSCE action plans addressing both the situation in participating
    States as well as management and staffing within the OSCE itself. But
    commitments are not enough - the commitments must be implemented. The
    question is whether the human rights of women in our countries are
    protected in practice as well as on as well as in law. Unfortunately,
    the answer is "not always."

    In some OSCE participating States, the legal framework to protect
    the human rights of women is still not complete or is ineffectively
    implemented. Law enforcement authorities do not always respond
    adequately to sexual or other physical assaults against women,
    particularly when these assaults are committed by intimate partners or
    other family members. For the past several years, we have identified
    those OSCE countries that do not yet have specific legislation
    protecting women against domestic violence, sexual harassment,
    or spousal rape. Unfortunately, the list this year has changed
    very little.

    Although some states prosecute domestic violence under general
    assault laws, specific laws would strengthen authorities' ability to
    hold abusers accountable and could be drafted to lift the burden of
    pressing charges from the survivor. OSCE participating States that
    do not have specific laws against domestic violence include Armenia,
    Belarus, and Uzbekistan. Russia has no legal definition of domestic
    violence, making prosecution difficult. One positive change occurred
    in Lithuania, where a law criminalizing domestic violence for the
    first time went into effect last December, providing a legal basis
    for rapid police reaction to instances of domestic violence as well
    as preventive measures and victim assistance. I also would like to
    recognize the good work of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan in training
    police to handle domestic violence cases.

    Several OSCE participating States also lack specific laws addressing
    sexual harassment, including Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Turkmenistan,
    and Uzbekistan. Kyrgyzstan's legislation deals only with physical
    assault, not verbal harassment. Though Kosovo's new criminal code
    does not include a specific sexual harassment crime, it does include
    a provision that covers sexual abuse by misuse of power.

    Spousal rape is also not specifically outlawed in several OSCE
    participating States. It can be prosecuted under general rape laws,
    but specifically addressing it would help strengthen the response of
    law enforcement authorities, who often view it as simply a private,
    family matter. States in the OSCE region with no specific law against
    spousal rape include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Latvia,
    Ukraine, and Tajikistan. In Romania, prosecuting a rape requires both
    a witness and a medical certificate, making it virtually impossible
    for authorities to press charges even when they have independent
    physical evidence.

    States must do more to train law enforcement officials, social
    workers, and others to respond to victims of domestic violence or
    rape. Victims must be able to obtain information and assistance easily
    and quickly. Governments should commit resources to help them do so,
    and should support civil society efforts in this regard as well. We
    strongly support OSCE programs in these areas, and believe the OSCE
    should increase its assistance to participating States, including
    those which do not host field missions.

    Women in all OSCE States have proven that when given the same
    opportunity as men, they also will succeed. Equality of access
    for women to education, political participation, and economic
    opportunities and freedom from all forms of violence are key to a
    country's competitiveness and prosperity.

    Moreover, women need to be better represented at the policy-making
    table. Many OSCE activities focus on conflict prevention, crisis
    management and resolution, and post-conflict rehabilitation. It is
    important that women be involved in all stages of conflict-related
    work. OSCE staff dealing with conflict management should be trained
    to identify and include women in these efforts.

    While we often refer to "women's rights," in fact women have the
    same rights as men. All our citizens have the same human rights
    and fundamental freedoms, which we must protect. Unfortunately,
    women aren't always afforded these rights. We all must work harder
    to ensure the human rights of women and men are both respected equally.

    For more information please visit:
