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Turkey Infiltrating Native American Tribes and May Get Congressional

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  • Turkey Infiltrating Native American Tribes and May Get Congressional

    Stunner: Turkey Infiltrating Native American Tribes - and May Get
    Congressional Help
    Stunner: Islamists select a new target, and a "see no evil" House bill
    may facilitate the effort.

    by Marc J. Fink
    September 30, 2012 - 8:20 am

    Recently, Native American Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK, member of the
    Chickasaw Nation) introduced H.R. 2362, the Indian Trade and
    Investment Demonstration Project. The bill singles out Turkish-owned
    companies for exclusive investment preferences and special rights in
    Native American tribal area projects.

    Congressman Cole freely admitted the following on the House floor:

    There's no question that I was approached by the Turkish American
    Coalition (properly the Turkish Coalition of America), who have a
    deep interest in Turkey and American Indians.

    "Deep interest" indeed. The bill was the culmination of a multi-year
    effort by Turkey to ingratiate itself with Native American tribes:
    tribal students now study in Turkey with full scholarships; Turkish
    officials regularly appear at Native American economic summits; and
    dozens of tribal leaders have gone to Turkey on lavish
    all-expense-paid trips.

    Why the intense interest in business and cultural ties with Native
    American tribes now, when Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    and his Islamist Justice and Development party (AKP) have taken Turkey
    down a path of aggressive and dangerous Islamism?

    Evidence from Uzbekistan points to a possible motive: infiltration and
    Islamization. The government of Uzbekistan is claiming that private
    Turkish business interests in the Central Asian country have been
    acting as a front for banned Islamist extremists. According to Agence

    [The Uzbek government has accused] Turkish companies of creating a
    shadow economy, using double accounting and propagating
    nationalistic and extremist ideology. # Long wary of the influence
    of Islamic fundamentalism # secular authorities appear to be
    linking Turkish private business to the activities of the Nurcus,
    an Islamic group that is banned in the country.

    Nurcus is also banned in Russia.

    Is it in America's national security interests to have Turkish
    contractors and their families flooding into America's heartland and
    settling in semi-autonomous zones out of the reach of American
    authorities? Especially if their intent is to form intimate business
    and social ties with a long-aggrieved minority group?

    H.R. 2362 was narrowly defeated on July 23, when a "suspension of the
    rules" vote (usually reserved for non-controversial votes with limited
    debate) failed to attain the required two-thirds majority. But
    troublingly, 220 representatives voted in favor - representing both
    parties and all ideological strains - with 160 opposed and 49

    The bill could come up for a vote again at any time.

    In the original version of H.R. 2362, the stated purpose was:

    [To] encourage increased levels of commerce and economic
    investment [with Native American tribes] by private entities
    incorporated in or emanating from the Republic of Turkey.

    It allowed for select Native American tribes to lease land held in
    trust by the United States:

    ... [for] a project or activity ... in furtherance of a commercial
    partnership involving one or more private entities incorporated in
    or emanating from the Republic of Turkey.

    When the bill came up for a vote, its backers were forced to offer an
    amended version. The phrase "or other World Trade Organization (WTO)
    member nations" was placed after "Republic of Turkey" in the passages
    above. The amended version still maintains:

    [Congress] finds that the public and private sectors in the
    Republic of Turkey have demonstrated a unique interest in
    bolstering cultural, political, and economic relationships with
    Indian tribes and tribal members.

    Also: removing "barriers" and encouraging a "more robust relationship"
    between "Turkish and Indian tribal communities" is "in the interest"
    of "the United States-Turkey relationship." The "interest" is not

    The bill, in both its forms, severely limits federal oversight of the
    investment projects, and does not even require the Department of the
    Interior to approve the leases. The term of the leases could stretch
    75 years, effectively tying the hands of future administrations:
    presidents would come and go, but Turkey would have a semi-permanent
    foothold in America's heartland.

    The amended version of H.R. 2362 continues to single out Turkey for
    special treatment, and if passed would serve as an official
    U.S. government endorsement of Ankara.

    In the past, special considerations by the U.S. for Turkey were
    well-deserved. Hill staffers grew accustomed to doing favors for a
    secular, pro-Western Ankara that was a key strategic ally to
    Washington and its allies in the region. But all that changed with the
    ascension of Erdogan's AKP party in 2002. A small sampling of recent

    . Turkey refused to allow U.S. troops to reach Iraq via Turkish
    territory in 2003.
    . Turkey refused to back UN sanctions on Iran, meant to halt its
    nuclear weapons program.
    . Prime Minister Erdogan has said "Iran is our friend," and "I do
    not think that Hamas is a terrorist organization."
    . Erdogan invited the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite warload Muqtada
    al-Sadr to Turkey for "political discussions." Sadr, whose
    militia is believed to be responsible for the deaths of
    countless American soldiers in Iraq, stopped in Iran on his way
    to Turkey.
    . The Turkish government supported a flotilla of ships that
    violently attempted to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, ruled by
    the terrorist group Hamas. Israel's blockade was declared legal
    by the United Nations.
    . Erdogan halted trade with Israel and threatened to invade Cyprus
    after an American-based company partnered with Israel to begin
    gas exploration in Cypriot territorial waters, which is adjacent
    to Israeli gas fields. Turkey then initiated military exercises
    aimed at threatening both Israel and Cyprus.
    . Erdogan defended Sudanese President Bashir, who faced worldwide
    condemnation for the genocide in Darfur. Erdogan's rationale: "A
    Muslim can never commit genocide. It's not possible."
    . According to Middle East expert Barry Rubin, the "AKP has
    repressed opposition in Turkey, arrested hundreds of critics,
    bought up 40 percent of the media, and installed its people in
    the bureaucracy." Very recently, 326 military officers were
    convicted of conspiracy to overthrow Erdogan's Islamist

    Perhaps most troubling - even if other WTO member nations have the
    same rights in the amended version of H.R. 2362 - Turkey is poised to
    infiltrate Native American tribal areas immediately upon passage due
    to the Islamist country's intense cultivation of ties with Native
    American tribes through the Turkish Coalition of America. John Berrey,
    chairman of the Quapaw Tribe (Oklahoma), claims:

    The Turkish and Native American peoples are beginning to come
    together under their own momentum to develop broader and deeper
    economic and cultural ties.

    But the "momentum" is coming from only one direction: Turkey, through
    the TCA. Indeed, according to the Indian Country Today Media Network:

    . In November 2010, the TCA organized and led the first Native
    American Business Cooperation Trip to Turkey, attracting 20
    leaders from 17 Native American tribes. The tribal leaders met
    with Turkish high officials, including Foreign Minister Ahmet
    Davutoglu. "The meeting in Turkey marked the tribal leaders'
    first significant overseas trade meeting," reported the
    Associated Press.
    . In March 2011, the TCA engineered the appearance of the Turkish
    deputy minister for foreign trade at the Reservation Economic
    Summit (RES) and American Indian Business Trade Fair in Las
    Vegas. The Turkish minister was the "first foreign government
    official to ever deliver remarks" in the event's history.
    . In February 2012, the Turkish deputy economy minister and the
    Turkish ambassador to Washington joined the TCA at the RES.
    . Since 2008, the TCA has offered scholarships to Native American
    students interested in studying abroad in Turkey. The TCA also
    co-sponsored two Native American conferences at a Turkish

    The TCA, whose vice president allegedly lives in Istanbul, stated in a
    press release that H.R. 2362 is "the first time the Turkish American
    community took the initiative to create positive change through
    substantive legislation in Congress."

    But the TCA has already invested millions in cultivating ties with
    Native American tribes. According to its 2010 IRS Form 990, the TCA
    incurred $1,037,496 of "expenses" for "sponsorship of educational
    travel for congressional members and staff as well as Native American
    leaders." And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    As Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) said on the House floor,
    H.R. 2362, even as amended, is "an unusual, unprecedented, and
    unnecessary endorsement of a state that, though an ally, continues to
    pursue problematic policies."

    The next time this bill comes up for a vote - or any other bill that
    gives Turkey special investment considerations - Congress should be
    aware that Ankara is no longer the pro-Western state of yesterday. And
    Congress should be alert to possible nefarious motives of the
    Islamists cementing their power in Turkey.
