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Political expert: It is early not to take Saakashvili into account

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  • Political expert: It is early not to take Saakashvili into account

    Political expert: It is early not to take Saakashvili into account

    Friday, October 5, 17:20

    The allegedly improvement of the Russian-Georgian relations which is
    much spoken about, are not so much obvious to me. I don't either share
    a viewpoint that radical changes will take place in the foreign policy
    of Georgia after the victory of the opposition forces, Director of
    Civil Society and Regional Development Institute, Agavni Karakhanyan,
    told Arminfo correspondent when commenting on possible geo-political
    changes in the South Caucasus after the parliamentary election in

    "Why are you waiting for changes? Is it because of a thesis about a
    new player at the political field of Georgia in the person of
    Ivanishvili like "a project of the Kremlin"? The topic of
    Ivanishvili's "Russian trace" was initiated by the Georgian
    authorities themselves, but it is not proved documentarily but just
    verbally. I mean the statements by the opposition leader and his team
    that the coalition "will restore diplomatic relations with Russia".
    Many people noticed the "Russian song" in these statements.
    Nevertheless, don't you see the "Western context" as well?", - she
    asked and added that in this context she compares the situation with
    the "American dream" on the Georgian way, as over the campaign the
    opposition leader often emphasized the prospect of cooperation with
    the USA and Europe as well, and said that "he left his business in
    Russia for the freedom of Georgia".

    Karakhanyan thinks that it is early to write off Mikheil Saakashvili,
    as the presidential team has not yet exhausted its political
    potential. Although displeasure with one and the same persons has been
    accumulated in the society, Saakashvili's team still owns the power
    resource, which they will try to fully use over a year before the
    presidential election in Georgia.

    "It is very much possible that president of Georgia is going to play
    his part of a democrat till the end. I mean official recognition of
    his defeat by Saakashvili, which will be followed by congratulation of
    his political opponent, "to whom he transfers the destiny of Georgia
    and hopes he will go on developing democracy and integration in Europe
    and NATO". I think that Ivaneshvili will take this relay baton. As for
    the pre-election promises, he will forget them, as it often happens.
    Nothing spoils opposition so much as power. So, let's not rush things.
    Let's wait", - she concluded.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress