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Expert: Georgia's new policy towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia...

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  • Expert: Georgia's new policy towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia...

    Political expert: Georgia's new policy towards Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia more likely to be based on the formula: problem remains,
    relations develop

    Friday, October 5, 17:21

    "Georgia's new policy towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia is more
    likely to be based on the formula: problem remains, relations
    develop", Aghavni Karakhanyan, Director of the Civil Society and
    Regional Development Institute, told ArmInfo when commenting on the
    perspectives of mutually advantageous settlement of conflicts with
    change of power in Georgia.

    "Tough and non-constructive policy of Saakhashvili towards South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia has finally brought them out of Georgia's
    control. As regards possible change in the given policy, one can judge
    only by the electoral rhetoric of the Georgian leaders for lack of any
    political program of the opposition bloc. The rhetoric does not even
    hint that Georgia may 'yield' Abkhazia and South Ossetia and stop
    considering them as part of its territory. Now, when the opposition
    came to power, it will hardly change its stance," Karakhanyan said.

    For lack of a strict nationalist rhetoric the opposition bloc will
    easily collapse within a short period of time, she said, which does
    not mean that the opposition leaders have no feeling or understanding
    of the national values and interests. Consequently, the most
    reasonable policy towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia is based on the
    formula: problem remains, relations develop, she said.

    Karakhanyan is sure that to settle these conflicts, power and
    political will are not enough. Such serious issues are not settled at
    once. It is necessary to study the position of the opposite party,
    Karakhanyan said. She believes that for Abkhazia Saakashvili is more
    preferable for he will hardly made any arrangement with Moscow.

    According to results of processing data from 98,81% of polling
    stations, the election bloc of Bidzina Ivanishvili-Georgian Dream got
    at the parliamentary elections through the proportional system 54,94%
    of electors' votes, CEC of Georgia reports. The party United National
    Movement got 40,33% of votes. 2,04% of electors voted for the bloc
    Giorgi Targamadze- Christian-Democratic Union, 1,24 - for the Labor
    Party, 0,43% for New Rights. By the present time data from 3 652
    polling stations (+69 special polling stations) out of 3 766 have been
    processed. 150 MPs will be elected according to results of the
    parliamentary elections in Georgia, 77 will be elected according to
    the proportional system (party lists) and 73 - according to the
    single-mandate system. 2 election blocs and 14 parties participated in
    the parliamentary elections. Political parties that have overcome 5%
    threshold will get seats in Parliament Voter turnout totaled 61%.
