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President: I will never see Nagornyy Karabakh within Azerbaijan

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  • President: I will never see Nagornyy Karabakh within Azerbaijan

    President of Armenia: I will never see Nagornyy Karabakh within Azerbaijan

    Saturday, October 6, 12:56

    Azerbaijan has accumulated a big number of ammunition and has been
    intensively preparing to the new aggression against. As for Armenia,
    it is trying
    to get peaceful settlement of the conflict, President of Armenia Serzh
    Sargsyan said in an interview with Reuters News Agency.

    "When I say the Azerbaijani society has hatred, xenophobia against the
    Armenians, when I say the buildup of arms is perilous in Azerbaijan,
    when I say Azerbaijan is preparing to resume military operations and
    resolving the [Karabakh] conflict by military means, this does not
    mean there is no need to continue the talks,"- he said.

    He also added that Ramil Safarov's extradition and pardoning, who
    killed a sleeping Armenian officer, showed once again that
    Nagorno-Karabakh can never be part of Azerbaijan. "Baku wants to
    change the present situation by means of war, and the combat readiness
    of the Armenian army is the only way to stop agressive aspirations of
    Azerbaijan", - Sargsyan said.

    Asked if he is confident regarding final settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict, Armenian president gave a positive answer, saying, at least
    he hopes never to see Nagornyy Karabakh within Azerbaijan, which is
    already a great success.
