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BAKU: Azerbaijan raises question of media's technical readiness for

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan raises question of media's technical readiness for

    Azerbaijan Business Center
    Oct 5 2012

    Azerbaijan raises question of media's technical readiness for info war

    Baku, Fineko/ The Multimedia center has come forward with
    proposals to organize information security of private agencies of

    Center's head Osman Gunduz says that over the past six months,
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed 5 or 6 documents to ensure
    the information nsecurity of the country.

    "The Ministry of Communications & IT is entrusted to take care of
    information security of private enterprises through education and
    provision with manuals. The MCIT e-security center will deal with
    information security. We believe that the center will analyze
    political situation with our country's evil fruit of our malicious
    neighbors (it is meant Armenia which has occupied 20% of Azerbaijan's
    territory and expelled 1 million people from their homes;'s
    note), warn of possible cyber attacks and determine possible
    directions from which we can expect attacks. It is also necessary to
    identify the sources of funding of the center, as the adopted
    documents do not contain the source of its funding. Perhaps it will be
    the Ministry, but it is necessary to specify that,' he said.

    Gunduz is of the opinion that publication of several documents on
    information security by the head of state for a short period testifies
    that the country is preparing for serious info war, in which most, if
    not the main role will be assigned to the mass media.

    "The recent cyber attacks dated deliberately by state structures of
    Armenia with the decision on pardon Ramil Safarov showed that
    web-resources of the media became a major target for hackers. It means
    that the IT-infrastructure of country's information websites must be
    improved, and it is needed to create IT-departments in each agency and
    state structure, where at least 3-4 professional IT-specialists will
    work. Besides, one should increase the budget provided for the
    purpose. Otherwise, Azerbaijan, like Georgia during the short war with
    Russia, may be left without the media during a possible war, and
    information about events in the country may remain closed for the
    entire world. All local news web-resources need to have a mirrored
    version of their sites on the servers of the National Data Center,
    operating under company Delta Telecom. It is desirable to create as
    more mirror versions as possible so it would be possible to use the
    alternative one in case of breaking the main web-resource. Creation of
    a mirrored version of the information resource will ensure its
    security by 50%," he emphasized.
