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Factbox: Nagorno-Karabakh - disputed by Azerbaijan, Armenia

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  • Factbox: Nagorno-Karabakh - disputed by Azerbaijan, Armenia

    Oct 5 2012

    Factbox: Nagorno-Karabakh - disputed by Azerbaijan, Armenia

    (Reuters) - Armenia's President Serzh Sarksyan accused Azerbaijan on
    Friday of threatening a new war over the disputed region of

    Here is a look at the background to the conflict the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    * The status of Nagorno-Karabakh or "mountainous Karabakh", has been
    disputed since the end of World War One, when Armenia and Azerbaijan
    became independent from the Russian empire. Soviet rule was imposed in
    the South Caucasus in 1923, and predominantly Armenian-populated
    Nagorno-Karabakh became an autonomous region within the Azeri Soviet

    * In 1988, the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities demanded to be transferred
    to the Armenian republic. The region declared independence in late
    1991, after tensions between Azeris and Armenians living there erupted
    into war with the break-up of the Soviet Union and independence for
    Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    * Ethnic Armenian forces, backed by Armenia, drove back Azeri forces
    and took control of seven districts of Azerbaijan adjacent to
    Nagorno-Karabakh. About 30,000 people were killed in fighting and
    hundreds of thousands, mostly Azeris, were driven from their homes. A
    ceasefire has been in place since 1994, but sporadic violence still
    flares along Azerbaijan's border with Armenia and a line of contact
    with Nagorno-Karabakh.

    * In December 2006, a referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh approved a new
    pro-independence constitution by a huge majority. Azerbaijan has
    declared the referendum illegal under international law. The region
    runs its own affairs with the backing of Armenia, but has no
    international recognition as an independent state.

    * In November 2008 Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan and his Azeri
    counterpart, Ilham Aliyev, pledged to intensify efforts toward a
    resolution. Russia, France and the United States have led years of
    mediation under the auspices of the Organisation for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe. Baku and Yerevan failed to agree at talks in
    June 2011 and the angry rhetoric between them has worsened since then.
    The two have accused each other of triggering recent cross-border
    clashes prompting worries of a resumption of fighting in the region
    criss-crossed by energy pipelines to Europe.

    * Armenia pulled out of the Eurovision song contest which was hosted
    by Azerbaijan in May 2012, underscoring tensions. New clashes resulted
    in nine deaths in June.

    * Last August, Azerbaijan pardoned and freed a soldier convicted of
    killing an Armenian soldier with an axe in Budapest, drawing furious
    protests from Armenia. Armenia suspended diplomatic relations with
    Hungary for sending Ramil Safarov back to Azerbaijan after he had
    served eight years of a life sentence for the murder.

    Sources: Reuters/

    (Reporting by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit and Matt Robinson)
