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62.1% of Azerbaijani population want to migrate from the country

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  • 62.1% of Azerbaijani population want to migrate from the country

    62.1 percent of Azerbaijani population want to migrate from the
    country. nationwide poll

    21:28, 5 October, 2012

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 5, ARMENPRESS: ADAM sociological service conducted a
    nationwide survey of public opinion in order to clarify the
    socio-political situation of the people of Azerbaijan and the problems
    with religious freedom. The survey was conducted by the "Center for
    Economic and Policy Research" (FAR CENTRE), headed by Hikmet Hajizade.

    As Armenpress reports referring to Azerbaijani web site
    this nationwide poll was conducted to determine the current
    socio-political situation of the population and the problems with
    religious freedom and religious extremism in the country. The survey
    was conducted by the sociological service "ADAM" (Head - Rufat
    Garagezli) in the framework of the FAR CENTRE's research of Civil
    Society development in Azerbaijan. The coordinator of the project is
    Hikmet Hadjy-zadeh, President, The FAR CENTRE.

    The survey was conducted from August 1 to September 1, 2012. The total
    number of respondents in the survey was 1000.

    The survey was conducted in Baku, Shamakhi, Sheki, Ganja, Lankaran,
    Khachmaz through personal interviews, based on a randomly selected
    sample of Azerbaijani citizens aged 18 years and older. The survey was
    conducted by the "Street Survey" method through personal interviewing
    of the respondents anonymously. 6.9% of the respondents are fully
    satisfied with their financial situation, 52.4% - partly satisfied;
    30% - experienced financial problems; 9.5% - have big financial
    problems. Another 62.1% of the respondents are willing to leave the
    country permanently or temporarily. 30% of respondents "have not seen
    meat" or eat meat only once a week. Only 48.8% of respondents are
    fully supplied with water, 42% - the water is intermittent, 9.2% - the
    water does not come into the house. 42.3% of respondents believe that
    when our oil resources will come to end the country will face a
    serious economic crisis because the country is not prepared properly
    for this moment; 17.8% - believe that the crisis will not happen, and
    25.9% "I'm not worried - our oil will be enough through my lifetime."
    For the last 3 years 36.7% of the respondents had to pay bribes often;
    31.1% - rarely bribed; 26.6% - did not pay bribes.

    The percentage of deeply religious people in the country reached a
    plateau of 17-19% (FAR CENTRE survey in 2004) and has not grown since
    2004: Only 1% of respondents are atheists, 16.9% believe in God and
    regularly engage in religious rituals, 19.7% - believe in God, but do
    not worship regularly, 61% - believe in God, but do not perform
    religious rites.

    (Only for those who believe in Allah) 13.7% of the respondents would
    like to see a country ruled by Sharia law, 23.2% - partially would
    like Sharia law (for example, in family law) 57.2% do not want Sharia
    law in the country. 50% of respondents, in general, have a negative
    attitude regarding family members marrying someone from another
    religion (e.g. Muslims with non-Muslims, etc.), 48.8% of respondents
    would not object to such a marriage. 12.3% of respondents believe that
    a girl should be allowed to go to school with her head covered if her
    parents want it; 35.6% - should be allowed if it is her conscious
    choice; 44.5% - should not be allowed to go to school with head
    covered. A majority of respondents could not name any popular or
    authoritative, for them, religious leader. 65% of respondents stated
    there is no religious authoritative figure and 27.5% - that there is
    such a leader.

    - 30.5% of the respondents condemned the arrests of religious
    activists as fabricated cases; 18.1% - approve these arrests,
    believing that Islamists are a threat to the country's secular system;
    40.1% - this is not my business. The vast majority of respondents
    condemn the insults of Islamic holy symbols. To those responsible for
    insulting Islamic holy symbols - violence can be used - 35.4%; should
    be punished by law - 29.8%; should be subjected to ostracism (public
    censure) without using force - 13.6%; no need to respond, Allah will
    punish them himself - 17.6 %; they should not be punished at all
    because no one is obliged to respect other people's holy symbols -

    Azerbaijan goes West. Azerbaijan would get the best development in
    collaboration with the countries of European Union and the United
    States - 41.9%; with Russia and the CIS countries - 26.7%; the Islamic
    world - 17.4%

    (Survey from 2011 among the country's youth: cooperation with EU and
    the U.S. - 42% (2010 - 40%; 2009 - 42%), with Russia and the CIS
    countries - 17.5% (2010 - 41%; 2009 - 44%), the Islamic world - 12%
    (2010 - 8%; 2009 - 8 %)).

    The most friendly countries - Turkey. Russia is more popular than the
    USA. France is not popular at all. Friendly countries: Turkey - 80.7%;
    Russia - 39.3%; Georgia - 26.6%; Ukraine - 16.4%; Iran - 8.1 %; USA -
    7.9%; Pakistan - 5.5% United Kingdom - 4.9%; Germany - 2.8%; China -
    0.5%; France - 0.1% (just one respondent named France).

    Most unfriendly countries - Armenia 97.7%; Iran - 32.9%; France -
    25.5%; USA - 20.5%; Russia - 13.8%; Israel - 7.0%; Georgia - 2.3%;
    Great Britain - 0.7%; Vatican - 0.3%; Turkey - 0.2%.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress