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Safarov's extradition one of most disgraceful decisions of our times

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  • Safarov's extradition one of most disgraceful decisions of our times

    Safarov's extradition is one of the most disgraceful decisions of our times
    12:04 pm | Today | Politics

    Naira Zohrabyan, a member of the Armenian delegation o the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) addressed PACE
    delegates during the discussion of Azeri axe-killer Ramil Safarov's

    "What happened on August 31 can be viewed as one of the most
    disgraceful developments of our times. Hungary, a member of the
    European Union, extradited life-termer Ramil Safarov who had killed
    with an axe Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan during a Budapest hosted
    NATO training exercise.on arriving in Baku, the Azerbaijani murderer
    was granted pardon as anti-Armenian xenophobia and Armenocide are
    views as the highest national heroism in Azerbaijan.

    The disgraceful deal between Hungary and Azerbaijan was concluded
    before the civilized world. Moreover, delegates of this structure
    [PACE] were among the people who went to the airport to welcome and
    glorify Azerbaijan's `hero' who had brutally axed the sleeping
    Armenian officer. Safarov's extradition heralds the fiasco of
    all-European values and justice. In the result, criminal Safarov did
    not only become the indicator of impartiality of European justice, but
    also the biggest stigma of the entire Europe that adheres to universal
    human values.

    Deal colleagues,
    Recently we have witnessed Azerbaijan buying European officials and
    delegates with its caviar and petrodollars. Some of them are sitting
    here, in this hall, beside us, and are not at least ashamed of the
    libel given to them - "Azerbaijani caviar lovers."

    If Europe, European organizations and PACE do not take definite
    measures against Azerbaijan besides making statements they will
    seriously question European justice and European values. I think that
    everyone already realizes that that Nagorno-Karabakh can never be a
    part of a country where a murder on ethnic grounds is considered to be
    the greatest heroism.

    Perhaps, Azerbaijan can afford to buy Olympic gold medals, pay an
    unprecedented ransom for a coward monster that was capable to kill a
    sleeping, but one thing I can tell you beyond doubt is that a country
    giving birth to Safarovs and glorifying people like Safarovs should be
    condemned by the civilized world.

    I would like to finish my speech with the words of Azerbaijani
    publicist Yusif Sufin, "With this step, Azerbaijan boosted its image
    of a country that glorifies assassins."

    So, it is just necessary to ask ourselves whether a country that
    glorifies murderers has its place in our family," said Naira

    From: A. Papazian