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`Orphans of the Genocide' Screened at Woodbury University in Burbank

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  • `Orphans of the Genocide' Screened at Woodbury University in Burbank

    Armenoid Productins Inc.
    1913 NW 49TH AVE.
    Coconut Creek, FL 33063
    Contact: Bared Maronian
    Tel: 954-646-0944
    E-mail: [email protected]

    `Orphans of the Genocide'

    The presentation of the broadcast version documentary `Orphans of the
    Genocide' directed by four time Emmy award winner Bared Maronian, took
    place on Sunday, September 30th at 4:00 p.m. at the Woodbury
    University in Burbank, California. This well attended event was
    organized by Ararat- Eskijian Museum, with the support of both the
    Western Diocese of America and the Prelacy churches.

    Martin Eskijian welcomed the attendees on behalf of the
    Ararat-Eskijian Museum and invited the world-renowned Armenian
    Genocide scholar, Professor Vahakn N . Dadrian to the stage. Professor
    Dadrian gave a compelling introductory lecture on the extreme cruelty
    these young orphan children experienced at the hands of the Ottoman

    Not only were some brutally murdered by hatchets, poison and swords,
    but also the novel method of mass drowning at the shores of the Black
    Sea and sections of the Euphrates River, especially in the Harput
    province, was utilized. Often the victims were mercilessly brutalized
    through sexual abuse, before being murdered, irrespective of the
    gender. Children placed in Turkish homes were almost always sexually
    abused and brothels were common. Another, milder form of perpetration
    involved the reducing of female victims in many Turkish households to
    the status of a concubine. In rare instances the female victims were
    integrated in a Turkish household as a legitimate wife, often as one
    of several wives, or, as a single wife. Very few of these could, or
    wanted to return to their original household after the end of the war.

    Professor Dadrian's eye opening lecture was followed by Bared
    Maronian's dynamic presentation of the Armenoid Team's inception,
    accomplishments and future plans with a focus on the team's current
    project, `Orphans of the Genocide' that consists of a documentary film
    and a companion book, telling the story of untold numbers of Armenian
    children who had become prime targets by the organizers of the

    Mr. Maronian's extraordinary work depicts a theme that for decades has
    remained overlooked by historians trying to explore the various
    aspects of the World War I cataclysm that nearly obliterated the
    Armenian nation. The material in question almost entirely focuses on
    the surviving Armenian children. The extreme and deplorable condition
    and abuses of these surviving orphans allows insight into the overall
    context and intent of the crime. The object of `Turkification' also
    was a form of genocide that was perpetrated on the Armenian nation by
    stripping the children of their Armenian identity. Mr. Maronian showed
    4 complete segments of the broadcast version of the film, which
    resonated a benchmark production value and a unique story telling
    technique. At the conclusion of hid presentation, Maronian gave the
    attendees a chance to express their thoughts on his film, who in
    return praised the well researched and produced touching film
    depicting the stories of the Armenian Genocide orphans.

    Maronian thanked the attendees for their support specially all those
    who generously contributed to his project. The seed-money for the
    project was provided by Alecco Bezikian, who is the son of an Armenian
    Genocide Orphan. Dr. Noubar Ouzounian and Sarah Chitjian, both a son
    and a daughter of Genocide orphans continually supported `Orphans of
    the Genocide'. `I wholeheartedly thank all those who made this project
    possible, specially the curator of Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Maggie
    Goschin- Mangassarian who adopted this project from it's inception'.

    Among the dignitaries were accomplished Hollywood producer Howard
    Kazanjian and Missak Keleshian, the researcher who unrevealed the
    story of the Armenian Genocide orphans of Aintoura, Lebanon, who were
    destined for `Turkification'.

    The closing words were delivered by Nancy Eskijian, Esq., who
    reiterated the importance of supporting the project at hand in any way

    Finally, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, the Primate of
    Western Diocese commanded Maronian's work and concluded his words by
    saying, 'after seeing this powerful film, I can attest that genocide
    has a different meaning to me'.

    Upon the conclusion of the event the guests were invited to a
    reception at the atrium of the Fletcher Jones Foundation Auditorium of
    Woodbury University, where 18 images depicting the experiences of
    Armenian Genocide orphans were displayed on special canvas prints.
