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Low Blow?: Armenian Sporting Community Raps Pro-Government Mp Over "

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  • Low Blow?: Armenian Sporting Community Raps Pro-Government Mp Over "

    By Suren Musayelyan

    08.10.12 | 10:20

    Some of what MP Levon Martirosyan (L) said during a Q&A with Minister
    of Sports Hrachya Rostomyan was taken as "disrespectful" attitude by
    outstanding representatives of the Armenian sports.

    Criticism of the current sports affairs from the mouth of a
    pro-government lawmaker in parliament last week did not go down well
    with the nation's famous athletes of the past and present believed to
    be patronized by a millionaire businessman whose opposition-leaning
    party has been increasingly at odds with the political majority
    of late.

    During a question-and-answer session with government officials last
    Wednesday Levon Martirosyan, an MP with the ruling Republican Party
    of Armenia (RPA), spoke about the lack of progress in the sphere
    of sports where despite the presence of a nominally non-partisan
    minister the major role appears to be still played by the leader of
    the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), Gagik Tsarukyan, who is also the
    head of the National Olympic Committee of Armenia (NOCA).

    The PAP has criticized the government in recent months after refusing
    to form a new coalition with the RPA and withdrawing its ministers
    from the government following the May parliamentary elections.

    Tsarukyan, however, did not resign as the NOCA president. The former
    world arm-wrestling champion instead personally promised hefty bonuses
    to athletes who would win gold medals at last summer's Olympic Games
    in London. Contrary to expectations, most Armenian athletes performed
    below average, with Team Armenia earning only one silver and two
    bronze medals.

    More than three dozen current and former athletes, including Olympic
    champions Albert Azaryan, Oksen Mirzoyan, Israel Militosyan, Arsen
    Nazaryan and others signed an open letter late last week protesting
    the criticism from MP Martirosyan and taking it as a "disrespectful
    ridicule" of the sporting community.

    "Sportsmen and sportswomen are members of one large sporting family
    and they uphold the honor of Armenia in the world. It is due to these
    sportsmen and sportswomen that the national anthem of our Homeland
    has repeatedly been played on foreign soil and it is due to their
    merits that the national flag of Armenia has been raised even in
    such hostile countries as Turkey and Azerbaijan," said the letter,
    in turn, calling MP Martirosyan's "only merit" his being a brother
    of popular entertainer Garik Martirosyan, who has made a name for
    himself on Russian television in recent years.

    "It is outrageous that a person who has absolutely nothing to do
    with sports raises questions about sports," the authors of the letter

    Meanwhile, in an interview with Aravot daily Martirosyan defended his
    integrity and right of being critical, while denying any disrespectful
    attitude towards the community of athletes.

    "Kudos to the athletes who have won medals. But this is a different
    matter... I was simply reacting to the answer of the minister, because
    he insisted on progress being made in the sphere he is in charge of.

    As a member of parliament and a huge sport fan myself I couldn't
    but disagree with it and this is my opinion," explained Martirosyan,
    voicing doubts that those who had signed the letter even heard his
    speech in the National Assembly.

    "Otherwise, they wouldn't have written such a thing," he added.

    PAP and RPA representatives have not yet made public comments on the
    matter that some view as another dimension of growing differences
    in the relations between the two former allies that are increasingly
    positioning themselves on the opposing sides of the political fence
    ahead of next year's presidential ballot.

    PAP lawmakers did not attend the Q&A session in question after
    deciding to boycott the rest of last week's four-day proceedings
    of the legislature following a controversial vote in the National
    Assembly on Tuesday that lifted the parliamentary immunity of PAP
    member and former Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian, who
    currently faces prosecution on embezzlement charges.
