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Second Parliament Bribery Video Implicates President Aliyev And His

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  • Second Parliament Bribery Video Implicates President Aliyev And His


    Azadliq, Azeri Report

    BAKU. October 8, 2012. Oppositional newspaper "Azadliq" has released
    a second hidden cam video on Saturday where the leading MP from the
    ruling YAP party, Gular Ahmadova, is asking for a million dollar bribe
    for getting someone a seat in Azerbaijan's national parliament. In
    the new video, Ahmadova names the country's President Ilham Aliyev
    and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva among people directing lists of people
    to be "elected" into the parliament (click here for the link to the
    second video in Azeri).

    In the new video, which seems to be another part of the million dollar
    parliament seat bribe conversation revealed by the first video, MP
    Gular Ahmadova chides Elshad Abdullayev for double-crossing her and
    trying to work with other people, namely President Aliyev's late uncle
    Agil Aliyev, to secure his "election" to the parliament. She recalls
    examples of two other people, mentioned as "Algish" and "Musa", whom
    she and her associates "got into the parliament", but who went on to
    work with others: jailed former minister Ali Insanov and the current
    mayor of Baku Hajibala Abutalibov. "This time it can't happen",
    warns Ahmadova.

    Seconding her, Sevinj Babyeva, acting as the intermediary between
    Ahmadova and Abdullayev, tells him "if you started working with Master
    Ramiz [the head of Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehtiyev],
    if you went with him, you have to keep on working with him". This
    seems to confirm that Gular Ahamadova was really representing Ramiz
    Mehdiyev in the bribery scheme.

    Then, in a striking conclusion, Ahmadova says: "You know, there people
    who are Farhad's people [jailed former minister Farhad Aliyev]. They
    know that this is Farhad's list; this is Ali Insanov's list [another
    jailed former minister]. They know this[list] is for Kamaladdin
    Heydarov [the current top oligarch and minister of Emergency
    Situations], this is for Ramiz Mehdiyev [the head of Presidential
    Administration], this is for Ilham Aliyev [President], this is for
    Mehriban Aliyeva [President's wife]."

    Both videos were sent to "Azadliq" newspaper by Elshad Abdullayev,
    an exiled rector of a private university shut down by the government,
    who now lives in France. He is the person with whom Gular Ahmadova is
    seen haggling on the videos over the bribe amount. In his letter to
    "Azadliq", Abdullayev noted that he sent the second video in order to
    prove that Ahmadova was not acting on her own behalf in the bribery
    scheme, as some Azerbaijani officials claimed after the first video was
    released. He knew that by herself Ahmadova was not capable to guarantee
    someone a seat in the parliament. Rather, she has convinced him that
    the bribe money will go to the head of Presidential Administration,
    Ramiz Mehdiyev.

    After the first video, Gular Ahmadova was expelled from the ruling
    party and the parliament, and regime officials released statements
    condemning both her and Abdullayev. However, many see this as
    an attempt to use her as a scape-goat, while the more important
    implications from the videos - the illegitimacy of the parliament and
    the personal involvement in bribery schemes and election falsifications
    by President Aliyev, his wife, and other high officials, like Ramiz
    Mehdiyev - are conveniently overlooked.

    (Azadliq, Azeri Report)
