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The Case Safarov Discussed At Pace - Ii [Translation]

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  • The Case Safarov Discussed At Pace - Ii [Translation]

    Posted on: 09-10-2012

    Info Collectif VAN - - The thirty-fifth session
    of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
    has the sinister "Safarov Case" to the agenda of the discussions
    of Thursday, October 4, 2012 to 15 h 30 h. The opportunity for
    parliamentarians to present their interpretation of facts very
    serious that violate the most fundamental European values. Some
    were clear and unambiguous in their denunciation of Azerbaijan,
    others have seen fit to put on the same plane victims and murderers
    by saying that "the two parties in conflict believe they are free
    to flout the law!" However, in this case, Armenia has violated no
    law because it was not even consulted for the transfer of the ax
    murderer Ramil Safarov, Hungary to Azerbaijan. Interventions most
    "jouissives" Azeri parliamentarians are those who use this forum to
    bludgeon PACE anti-Armenian propaganda of the primary, not hesitating
    to resent the acquittal by a German court in 1921, the young Soghomon
    Tehlirian, an Armenian survivor of the 1915 genocide, which had run
    Talaat Pasha, the "Hitler" Turkish leak in Berlin ... "I would like
    to ask some questions. How can you justify that German courts have
    released a killer who murdered Armenian a Turk in Berlin?" Was indeed
    questioned Mr. Huseynov (Azerbaijan). We thank the brave parliamentary
    institution of the European ridiculing the country he represents and
    also assume clearly the complicity of nationalism and Turkish-Azeri
    denial. His Turkish colleague, Ahmet KutalmiÅ~_ TürkeÅ~_, has lent a
    hand in cynicism and bad faith to justify the heinous crime of Ramil
    Safarov and his grace by the dictator of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev:
    "From 1973 to 1987, Armenian terrorist organizations have committed
    - including France - 170 attacks, which killed 31 Turkish diplomats
    killed 39 civilians and injured more than 500. Yet we never heard any
    Armenian - official parliamentary or citizen - condemn these murders
    of Turkish diplomats. Instead, they were glorified and rewarded. "
    Damned! These organizations - probably a bit distracted - do not
    have to hear the excuses of modern Turkey for 1.5 million victims of
    the Armenian genocide in 1915, for the total eradication of a people
    and its culture of their ancestral lands Anatolia. They had to take
    note against the glorification of criminals including Young Turks in
    Turkey today: Talaat Pasha, the "Hitler" Turkish his Mausoleum on the
    Hill of Liberty in Istanbul, schools and avenues bearing his name in
    Turkey and successive Turkish governments practice a denial of State
    outrageous nationally and internationally.

    They even interfere in the internal politics of France, the United
    States, to block any legislation recognizing the Armenian genocide
    denial or condemning.

    Key interventions to PACE debate on Safarov Case

    Azerbaijan's actions justify such crimes. Unacceptable behavior in
    this country has an impact on the whole region. For its part, Armenia
    said she did not want war, but she was ready to fight if necessary
    and to win the fight.

    For my part I hope that reconciliation is possible. I admire the
    gesture of our President, who invited the two delegations to make
    things happen, but this is not enough. I therefore request that you
    organize a high-level meeting on the conflict in an attempt to move
    towards a solution. Only these two countries will not succeed. The
    Council of Europe should assume its responsibilities.

    THE PRESIDENT - Thank you Mr. Zourabian.

    Mr. ZOURABIAN (Armenia) * - Even though I belong to the Armenian
    delegation, I would like the issue before us is extracted from the hot
    discussions between my country and Azerbaijan on moral and historical
    responsibility each other in the Nagorno-Karabakh. I do not wish to
    discuss here the question whether the glorification of a murderer,
    regardless of the nation in which he was convicted, may be considered
    acceptable behavior. I did not ask further whether the fact that
    negotiations are stalled to justify brutal violence. Indeed, all the
    answers to these questions are obvious to the majority of those who
    are listening.

    However, what is at stake today is the destiny of our peoples and
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh is the future of peace in the South Caucasus
    and the stability of the whole of the region.

    In May 1994, a cease-fire has been established between the parties
    to the Nagorno-Karbakh. Since then, negotiations within the Minsk
    Group of the OSCE tried to find a lasting solution to the conflict
    to bring peace to the Armenians and Azerbaijanis. These negotiations
    are difficult and sometimes frustrating. Nevertheless, it is the only
    solution to a destructive regional war on a large scale.

    Realistically, the act of Azerbaijan and, to a lesser extent,
    Hungary was basically an extradition, a release, a glorification
    of murder, which dealt a serious blow to the negotiation process,
    undermining the prospect building trust between the parties in the
    near future. There are too many crises, tensions in the region:
    Syria, Iraq, the positions taken by Iran. In this context, it should
    do everything possible to preserve a delicate negotiation process and
    that to solve the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh. That is the priority
    of the international community!

    As the main opposition in the country, we asked the Armenian
    National Assembly before the Armenian government does not provide a
    response to aggressive actions destructive of Azerbaijan, it is the
    international community to react strongly. It should send a clear
    message to the leaders of the region leaders can not get what they
    want by fanning nationalist sentiment on the contrary, they should
    contribute to resolving the conflict in a peaceful way. Any action
    to the contrary would only fuel tensions in the South Caucasus and
    undermine a cease-fire and fragile peace negotiations difficult.

    THE PRESIDENT - Mr. Beneyto, registered in the debate, being absent
    from the chamber, the floor is now Mrs. Gafarova.

    Ms. Gafarova (Azerbaijan) - We speak of the transfer of Ramil Safarov.

    It is a judicial proceeding. At no time, the legal conditions have
    been violated. These legal mechanisms exist and the transfer does
    not constitute a violation of law.

    I return to events raised by my colleagues. In April 2001, an Armenian
    terrorist, who had been sentenced to prison for committing a bombing
    at Orly, was transferred to Armenia even though he was not a citizen
    of Armenia. Senior Armenian officials have met at the airport hero.

    Armenia was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe and yet nobody in this House has not responded nor has it
    discussed here. Azerbaijan is critical today, why we remained silent
    at that time?

    Today we are discussing the case of an Azerbaijani citizen who has
    already served eight years in prison and was pardoned, certainly,
    but not cleared. If we talk about the case Safarov, should also
    mention the reasons kill, but real crime that has its origin in the
    situation of occupation. You have to put this case in the context of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh. Members of the family Safarov killed before his
    eyes. We acknowledge his crime, but he has not been convicted for it?

    If we discuss the case Safarov, why not mention the murder of
    Azerbaijanis in Armenia because we seem to forget that many crimes were
    committed during the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians? Why
    do not we talk about the President Sarkisyan said that he was at
    the time of Khojaly these massacres? The occupation of Azerbaijani
    territory is illegal and the Security Council was confirmed in 1993.

    THE PRESIDENT - Thank you Mr. Salles.

    Mr HALL (France) * - Colleagues, liberation and the glorification
    of Mr. Ramil Safarov raised, rightly, very strong protests. Welcome
    a hero a man who has committed a heinous act unworthy of a member
    country of the Council of Europe.

    I will not dwell on the facts, but the premeditation and brutality
    of this crime are aggravating circumstances. Motivation, hatred of
    Armenians and the total lack of remorse as Mr. Safarov.

    This is why grace and promotion granted to Mr. Safarov by the President
    of Azerbaijan after his extradition and on his return to his country
    affect even more with our values, respect basic the life of another,

    A third member of our Assembly is involved: one where the massacre
    occurred and who authorized the extradition to Azerbaijan Hungary. For
    this case also raises the question of the application of the European
    Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, a convention of the
    Council of Europe.

    Of course, a purely technical point of view, the convention has been
    followed to the letter. Of course, Article 12 provides that States may
    exercise their right of grace. But the condemnation of Ramil Safarov
    imposed by a Hungarian judge had unanimously against it in Azerbaijan
    Armenia had asked Hungary not to extradite the murderer. So why did
    this decision was taken so quickly, without warning the Armenian?

    Beyond the text and legal procedures, there is also the spirit of the
    Convention: it's main purpose is to promote the social reintegration of
    persons sentenced to a foreigner deprived of his liberty as a result of
    a criminal offense his sentence in his home country. Yes, his sentence!

    The seriousness of the act - remember that Mr. Margaryan was slain
    16 ax in his sleep - justified the severity of the sentence, life
    imprisonment for a man responsible for his actions recognized by
    experts, including Azerbaijan, the status of relations between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, all these elements should have led Hungary to greater
    caution and restraint in the application of the Convention.

    The attitude of Azerbaijan is itself unacceptable and must be
    condemned. By releasing this man, this country has once again
    removed any prospect of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    and questioned the Minsk process. Turning it into a national hero,
    this country, member of the Council of Europe, brought shame to
    our institution.

    It is therefore necessary that Azerbaijan takes its responsibilities
    and fulfill its commitments: to do this, Ramil Safarov must return
    to prison and serve his sentence.

    I turn now to my Azerbaijani colleagues to tell them that they are not
    arguments that we have heard this afternoon, this is propaganda! The
    confusion with the Nagorno-Karabakh was totally unbearable. Statements
    by the representatives of your delegation this afternoon disgrace
    in this place, which is the temple of human rights in Europe. If
    Azerbaijan persists in this attitude, this case will remain an
    indelible stain, this country will one day either delete. In the
    meantime, I wonder about the legitimacy of Azerbaijan to serve on
    the Council of Europe.

    THE PRESIDENT - Thank you to Mr. Nagy Gaudi, the last speaker in
    this debate.

    Mr. GAUDI NAGY (Hungary) - I feel sorry for the victims of this
    conflict all of which have special relations with Hungary - Armenian
    Azerbaijani like. But I feel that we do here, that the tip of the
    iceberg. Let's not fall into the trap of "double standards"!

    International organizations must mobilize to try to resolve the
    conflict and address the convention of the Council of Europe Convention
    on the transfer of prisoners.

    The question is simple: the authorities of a country they can or not,
    provide the grace of his doomed? From a legal point of view, this
    principle is indisputable. But in our case, we must have a global
    view of things, including the Nagorno-Karabakh. We must ensure that
    Armenians and Azerbaijanis can live in harmony, in compliance with
    European standards. He is not here to castigate Hungary, Armenia and
    Azerbaijan! It is clear that the frozen conflicts must be resolved
    on the basis of the principle of self-determination.

    Could recall other crimes, such as the Irish who murdered Hungarian
    children and has never been convicted! There are problems everywhere,
    do not assemble these cruel acts hairpin political purposes.

    THE PRESIDENT - The list of speakers.

    Mr Chope would you intervene?

    Mr. CHOPE (UK) * - Mr President, I did not expect to speak again.

    I just want to thank all those and all those who spoke. If this
    Chamber was able to hold a civilized debate on an issue as emotional,
    this is already a good example to follow. I hope we will not have to
    manage this type of incident in the future.

    THE PRESIDENT - I remind you that the outcome of the current debate,
    the Assembly is not required to vote. This debate has nevertheless
    allowed an exchange of views between the interesting members of the
    Assembly. Your conclusion, Mr. Stein, is actually the one that can be
    drawn from this debate. The Board may, at a later stage, propose that
    the subject matter may be referred to the committee responsible for
    the report, and it is, I think, was suggested by Anne Brasseur. The
    Board will discuss this possibility certainly tomorrow morning.

    See also:

    The case discussed at PACE Safarov - I

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    Source / Link: Council of Europe
