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Exodus Realities: Russian Ambassador Asks "Why Are People Leaving Ar

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  • Exodus Realities: Russian Ambassador Asks "Why Are People Leaving Ar

    Armen Arakelyan

    19:16, October 9, 2012

    In June of last year, Armenian President Sargsyan instructed his
    government agencies dealing with migration issues to manufacture
    data that would show that more people were entering the country
    than leaving.

    This manipulation of the numbers was doomed from the start. Average
    citizens of Armenia daily see long lines of people waiting outside
    foreign embassies in Yerevan to file their papers to leave.

    President Sargsyan wanted to create the impression that the "rumours"
    of thousands leaving Armenia were just a figment of popular myth and
    a collective nightmarish dream.

    At a press conference yesterday in Yerevan, Vaycheslav Kovalenko,
    Russia's Ambassador to Armenia, presented irrefutable evidence that
    the migration issue in Armenia is indeed a real nightmare.

    Kovalenko stated that from 2007 till the present, 5,000 Armenian
    citizens and their families have relocated to Russia via the
    "Compatriots" program launched by Russia's Federal Migration Service.

    Ambassador Kovalenko added that almost a similar number had left
    Armenia during the same period under the U.S. Green Card lottery
    system. He wanted to show that the Russian program was not worse than
    what the Americans were doing.

    Now let's extrapolate the numbers. If we accept that an average
    Armenian family consists of three people, it then turns out that in the
    past five years 10,000 families have left Armenia under the auspices
    of these two programs alone - some 30,000 individuals in total.

    Programs designed to maintain the demographic balance of those
    countries aren't only conducted in Armenia. But their consequences for
    Armenia specifically are tragic and painful. The problem isn't merely
    the 10,000 families that have left, but those 20,000 citizens who
    wrote petitions to avail themselves of that Russian program. That is
    to say, the thousands of individuals who want to take their families
    and leave Armenia for good and the countless numbers who annually
    apply to the Green Card lottery in the hope of moving to America.

    Last week RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan declared in parliament
    that the government was concerned with the actions of the Compatriots
    program and that consultations had taken place with various Russian

    "Our position is clear to the Russian government. The "Compatriots"
    program will cease to operate in Armenia. The operation of such
    programs in Armenia is impermissible. Our Russian partners accept
    our arguments. We will reach a general conclusion regarding the
    operation of regular migration activities, but we regard the organizing
    emigration from Armenia as unacceptable," PM Sargsyan stated.

    This signifies that the Armenian government regards the best, or at
    least one way, to resolve the emigration problem as the application
    of administrative levers, which in our case is nothing more waging
    a ferocious war against windmills.

    First, if the best way to halt the contagion of whole families
    leaving the country, for example, is to force Russia to close the
    "Compatriots" program in Armenia, then why did the Prime Minister
    only target that program?

    Following the same logic, he should have gone after the Green Card
    lottery and demanded that the U.S. halt it as well. In general, Armenia
    should be targeting the all the foreign embassies and consulates in
    the country and demanding that they no longer issues visas to those
    who apply.

    The Armenian government would also have to be close all its borders
    since people wishing to leave employing every legal and illegal means
    to do so.

    But just like the Prime Minister once jokingly confessed, the
    government can't afford to do so because what it fears even more is
    growing numbers of discontented and alienated people remaining in
    the country.

    It would be like a pressure cooker waiting to explode. Thus, the
    Armenian authorities regard emigration as a convenient release valve.

    The government prefers to resolve the socio-economic mess it has
    created by sending people abroad for seasonal work and to keep the
    country afloat by the money remittances these people send back.

    Second, it's not clear how the government would be able to ban such
    programs in Armenia. The Russian ambassador in his last interview,
    for example, where he touched on the "Compatriots" program, gave no
    hint that an agreement had been reached on closing it or that Russia
    was even aware of Armenian concerns.

    This appears quite typical. If the Armenian government found it
    necessary to raise the issue in all sessions of an intergovernmental
    committee and if the program's office at the Russian Embassy hadn't
    closed, it would mean that either PM Sargsyan wanted to confuse us
    all or that the Russians don't give a damn about Armenia's concerns
    and arguments.

    It means that Armenia is still regarded by nations like Russia and
    the U.S, as in the past, as a cheap supplier of bodies to resolve
    their own demographic problems. This is all the more the case since
    the authorities of Armenia themselves have turned the nation into an
    object, a commodity.

    Thus, it is not at all surprising that the Russian ambassador could
    not only skirt the concerns voiced by PM Sargsyan, but that he could
    clearly show, in an indirect manner, that Sargsyan doesn't speak the
    truth and make it understood that the program will not be shut.

    Essentially, PM Sargsyan wants to transfer the burden of responsibility
    for the existing deplorable migration situation off the shoulders
    of his government to that of a foreign country. This is quite
    understandable. It's much easier to argue that you can't resolve the
    problem due to conspiracies being directed against you rather than
    confessing your own shortcomings. In this case, the government is
    following the easier way out of assuming its share of responsibility.

    But it seems that the Armenian government has forgotten the flowing
    words uttered by the president himself back in 2011.

    "The only factor that can utterly rule out the negative balance
    between those entering and leaving Armenia would be to create such
    conditions in the country to compensate for those conditions that
    make them leave."

    So far during his tenure, President Sargsyan has only convened one
    advisory council or debate on migration and emigration issues. And
    even that was to essentially promote a juggling of the figures to
    soften the psychological impact of the exodus.

    And what has been done in the past year? No one really knows. The
    authorities have been engaged in the more serious issue of ensuring
    their "re-election". And this, as we all know, means it is vital
    to have as large a list of citizens living outside the country as

    "Is anyone forcing Armenians to move to Russia? Do you really believe
    that if we close our agency people will stop going? Is the agency
    the real problem?" Russian Ambassador Kovalenko asked the other day.

    "Why are people leaving Armenia? They leave because they have objective
    reasons that have nothing to do with the Russian Migration Service. If
    we close the mission the emigration will not stop."

    Despite the level of cynicism in Ambassador Kovalenko's statement,
    it contains the simple truth.

    The real question is whether the Armenian government is at all
    interested in hearing it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress