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Armenian Progressive Politics Conference Sees Highs, Lows

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  • Armenian Progressive Politics Conference Sees Highs, Lows


    ianyan Magazine
    Oct 9 2012

    Following successful presentations in San Francisco and New York,
    a conference tackling Armenian progressivism and politics on the
    occasion of the Republic of Armenia's 21st year of independence
    took an unexpected stumble in Los Angeles because of what organizers
    described as a security issue that threatened the well being of one
    of the panelists.

    This claim however is being rebutted by both conference participants
    and audience members who allege that a small fraction of the political
    sponsor backpedaled, giving contradictory and confusing statements
    about security issues, causing other panelists and attendees to walk
    out and hold their panels at an ad-hoc location nearby.

    After reaching Los Angeles on Friday, Oct.5, Armenians and Progressive
    Politics (APP) conference panelist Mamikon Hovsepyan, an LGBT rights
    activist and president of Yerevan-based NGO, PINK Armenia, was told
    that threats were made against him and given private security as
    a precautionary measure. By Saturday however, the situation had
    taken an unexpected turn as the panelists said they were told by
    two members of the host organization, the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation's Western Region, that Hovsepyan would not be allowed to
    speak. The conference was organized by the ARF Central Committee -
    Eastern Region and co-sponsored by the Armenian Society of Columbia
    University and the ARF Western Region.

    Given the South Caucasus country's challenges with LGBT issues and
    discriminations faced by its gay community, Hovsepyan has been no
    stranger to resistance. Speaking via Skype to Ianyanmag however,
    the panelist said that the evening's circumstances raised suspicions
    among them as organizers were not able to offer any clear and concrete
    reasons about the security threat and overall situation.

    "The whole thing wasn't very well explained, it was very secretive,
    we were not aware of all the details," said panelist and co-founder
    of the Women's Resource Center Lara Aharonian. "They were keeping us
    in the dark, saying 'listen to us, we know what's best for
    you.'" Hovsepyan agreed.

    "It was not clear for me, one was saying it was for my security,
    another for their security, I couldn't understand whose security was
    the most important," said Hovsepyan.

    Kirk Wallace, programs manager in Yerevan for the Armenian
    Environmental Network said the group was trying to understand and get
    to the reason why Hovsepyan would not be allowed to speak, without
    much success.

    "At this point, there were two of them, one of them was saying it was
    for Mamikon's safety, the other was saying 'no it's not about that,
    it's about security in general.' One of them blamed problems with
    translations. We asked, 'Is Mamikon in danger inside?' They said no.

    They said 'We cannot give you details. We had a security issue.'

    It became clear to the panelists that the worry about Hovsepyan
    presenting was in fact an internal issue among a few who were part of
    the sponsoring organizations, rather than an external issue, they said.

    "There were so many inconsistencies and no details of the threat,
    we believe they wanted to make sure we didn't get these details,"
    said Wallace.

    In a show of support for Hovsepyan, the other panelists, which
    included Wallace, Aharonian as well as Arpine Galafyan, president
    of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights in Armenia and Sona
    Ayvazyan, project director of Transparency International, Armenia,
    gathered their material and continued their presentations at Mexican
    restaurant "Los Burritos" down the street. A good portion of the
    audience followed, said Wallace.

    The restaurant accommodated the group, which numbered around 30 people
    and the presentations continued at the alternative location. A few
    of the organizers, who the panelists identified as being different
    from the two ARF members they said did not allow Hovsepyan to speak,
    stopped by and apologized to the group, inviting them to speak on
    KPFK 90.7 FM radio station, they said.

    The panelists said they were willing to forget about the incident
    until an editorial appeared on Asbarez, published by the Western USA
    Central Committee of the ARF about the events was posted, which they
    described as a distortion of the truth.

    The piece, posted on Sunday, Oct. 7 pointed out that an "unfortunate
    security issue which could have threatened the well-being of one of
    the panelists as well as the safety of attending audience" led the
    committee to cancel one of the presentations, while offering the
    presentation paper to be read by another panelist.

    Though the piece does not provide detail about the cancellation,
    Hovsepyan and his fellow panelists say it was his presentation and
    Galafyan was designated to present it in his absence.

    "This decision and ensuing offer caused some of the other panelists
    to overreact unequivocally and to refrain from making their own
    presentations, denying the attendees from hearing much anticipated
    discussion," the editorial went on to say, causing a few attendees
    to take to Facebook and express their frustrations about the posted
    statements. Some criticized the organizers for not securing the
    location of the conference with the help of law enforcement while
    allowing Hovsepyan to continue speaking.

    Claims that the ARF set out to silence Hovsepyan are being challenged,

    Vache Thomassian, a member of the organizing committee of the
    conference said that the organizers were fully aware of the work
    Hovsepyan, Aharonian and Galafyan were involved in, which is exactly
    why they were chosen as panelists after thoughtful deliberation,
    in order to help address the diaspora's often criticized disconnect
    from Armenia's current reality.

    "The panel topics chosen for this conference and the speakers chosen
    to discuss the topics were purposefully bold, unabashed figures that
    do not shy away from controversy, and are not afraid to share their
    critical opinions. That was the entire point," he said, adding that
    it was disheartening to hear criticism that the ARF tried to silence
    Hovsepyan or sidestep the issue of LGBT rights.

    "If that were truly the intention, the opportunity would never have
    been provided in the first place, the posters would not have been
    printed and the plane tickets would not have been purchased. It's
    simply illogical to be an entity that extends an invitation with an
    ulterior motive of quieting a speaker. Critical thought, debate,
    and constructive discourse are always good things that should be

    Thomassian said the security risk against one of the panelists
    was terrible, but also stressed that it was not fair to label the
    entire Los Angeles Armenian community or the ARF as homophobic or
    not progressive.

    "I sincerely hope that the narrow and disparaging narrative
    that some people want to portray does not negate the important
    foundational work that has taken place to begin to educate our
    diasporan communities about social struggles taking place in the
    homeland be they environmental, human rights, women's empowerment,
    gay rights or anti-corruption."

    Despite the incident or perhaps because of it, the panelists regarded
    the conference an overall success, saying that three city tour did a
    fine job of raising awareness of issues that regular Armenians face
    in the South Caucasus.

    Maro Matossian, a supporter of APP and the director of the Women's
    Support Center NGO in Armenia praised the efforts of organization,
    which began as an initiative of the ARF and was first held in 2006,
    leading the way for issues like domestic violence, environmental
    problems and corruption to be discussed at a community level in the
    diaspora for the first time, in an effort to bridge the information
    and idealogical gap between it and citizens in Armenia.

    "As a long supporter of APP, I see the value in it, and how it brought
    progressives together," she said, adding that she wanted to express
    her support for future conferences like it. "It included speakers
    that do not share any Dashnak (ARF) views and in that respect, it is
    progressive and very inclusive."

    Wallace said the incidents in L.A. perhaps helped human rights and
    social justice issues in Armenia gain more traction with its diaspora.

    "You know what they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity,"
    he said. "The audience was small, so what they did was help spread
    the issue and now everybody's talking about it."

    They also stressed that those who they encountered issues with at the
    conference remain a very small fraction within the Western region of
    the ARF and do no represent the political party as a whole.

    Speculation about the underlying reasons for the incident remains high,
    with some pointing to Hovsepyan's use of ARF member of Parliament
    Arstvik Minasyan's statements and photo in his presentation in New
    York as a reason for the breakdown in L.A. The member of parliament
    was accused of encouraging hate crimes against LGBT people during
    the bombing and defacing of a gay-friendly bar in Yerevan earlier
    this year.

    The conference, which intended to examine the "21-year trajectory of
    Armenia's statehood, economy, and society," also included speakers
    such as Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Sarah Leah,
    director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human
    Rights Watch.

    Hovsepyan's PINK Armenia, dedicated to promoting sex education as
    well as fighting against discrimination based on sexual orientation
    in Armenia was honored by the Hrant Dink Foundation in September for
    their efforts in the country.

    The details surrounding the security issue still remain unclear.
