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Oskanian's Case: Armenia's Return To Repression?

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  • Oskanian's Case: Armenia's Return To Repression?


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Oct 9 2012

    The investigation department of the National Security Service
    of Armenia accused the former foreign minister of Armenia Vardan
    Oskanian of grounds of the 179th article (Conversion and Squandering)
    and the 190th article of the Criminal Code (Legalization of incomes
    gained illegally).

    On October 2 the Armenian parliament satisfied a motion of the general
    prosecutor on rescinding the parliamentary immunity of the member
    of Prosperous Armenia, the former foreign minister, the founder of
    the fund Civilitas, Vardan Oskanian. The decision was made according
    to the law On Regulations of the National Assembly of Armenia which
    requires giving an agreement on rescinding the parliamentary immunity
    of a PM, his arrest, and so on.

    71 PMs participated in secret voting. 64 PMs voted "for", six voted
    "against", one ballot was recognized invalid. Only representatives of
    the fraction of the ruling coalition - Republican Party of Armenia
    and the party Country of Law - and 1-2 independent PMs took part in
    the voting.

    60 PMs didn't participate in the voting. The secretary of Prosperous
    Armenia, Naira Zograbian, said that PA intended to boycott the voting.

    She called her colleagues who also stand against the motion of the
    general prosecutor for supporting the boycott in favor of prevention
    legitimization of political repression against Oskanian. PA's boycott
    (36 people) was supported by opposition fractions - Armenian National
    Congress (7 PMs), Dashnaktsutyun and Heritage (each has 5 PMs).

    Earlier, the National Security Service of Armenia initiated a
    criminal case into legalization of incomes gained illegally by the
    Civilitaas Fund, which was founded by Oskanian in 2008. For example,
    the investigation provides an instance of obtaining money from the
    sale of a 100% share ($2 million) of Huntsman Building Products
    Ltd., which belonged to the American corporations Polymer Materials
    and Huntsman International. The general prosecutor stated that the
    inappropriate registration of documents and non-fulfillment of tax
    duties led to the fact that $1.135 thousand from the sum were not
    spent on charity purposes, even though it was required. According to
    the investigation, this sum was transferred to private accounts of
    Oskanian and the member of the fund's council Tigran Karapetian.

    The general prosecutor states that absence of the parliamentary
    immunity doesn't mean for Oskanian absence of freedom for traveling
    and doesn't restrict his participation in the parliament's work. The
    investigation on Civilitas's case continues, and the motion aims at
    completeness of the investigation. The law-enforcement agencies defense
    interests of the well-known charity provider Huntsman and interests
    of the fund itself. "Innocence of Vardan Oskanian will be proved,"
    the general prosecutor is sured.

    The fraction of Prosperous Armenia presented to the colleagues a
    packet of documents, according to which Huntsman and others have no
    claims to the fund, its work is transparent and is provided legally.

    The party Prosperous Armenia stated that the motion of the general
    prosecutor on involvement of Oskanian as a defendant is a political
    repression aimed at Oskanian and PA in general. Oskanian said: "If
    the target of the process is prevention me from political activities,
    stopping my criticism of the authorities' failing policy in all
    spheres, then I can say they miscalculated the situation."

    Representatives of the ANC and Dashnaktsutyun are sure that the
    initiation of the criminal case is a political order. "Everything in
    the country, including the political field, is controlled by the power
    system. It is an attempt to make Oskanian shut up. If we knew that
    the power is ready to struggle against all corruption phenomena by
    these means, it would probably be a fair verdict. But it is not so,"
    the representative of ANC, Lyudmila Sarkisian, stated.

    "Prosperous Armenia demonstrates after the parliamentary elections
    that it has no intention to play the president and RPA's game. All
    representatives of PA left top positions in the government, ministers,
    deputy ministers, governors resigned. Prosperous Armenia began the
    process of separation from the power. The presidential elections are
    coming, according to the official data, PA got 450 thousand votes
    in the parliamentary elections. PA is a basic political force which
    has a serious financial and certain information resources which
    might compete with the Republican Party of Armenia and its leader,
    President Serge Sargsyan," the political observer of the information
    and analysis center Noian Tapan, David Petrosian.

    The other question is whether the political order will achieve its
    target or not. Considering the recent statement of the former aide
    of the president Robert Kocharian, Garnik Isagulian, on a secret
    organization which has the detailed information on the Armenian elite,
    further interesting internal political developments are possible.

    These actions of the authorities leads to the fact that PA, which
    has been thought to be the moderate opposition, is gaining elements
    of the radical opposition.
