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Tehran: Erdogan's Dead-End Path

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  • Tehran: Erdogan's Dead-End Path


    Siyasat-e Ruz
    Oct 1 2012

    "Defeated anti-Syrian" policies to weaken Turkey in region

    editorial by Siyavash Kaviyani

    Turkey is still continuing its boldness in the region. These endless
    bold moves by Turkey take on a new form on a daily basis.The Turkish
    Government, which has come to power with the broad assistance of the
    West and America and has been able to rebuild the critical state of its
    economy, is currently advancing step by step in order to implement its
    dictated goals and policies in the region in an obvious and direct way.

    The ruling government in Turkey believes that it is the savior of
    regional countries and due to this, it is trying very hard to present
    itself as a country that can be the leader of the Muslim world.

    Following its ascent to power in Turkey, the Islamist Development
    and Justice Party overtook previous Turkish governments so that, by
    expanding economic and political ties with America and the European
    Union [EU], it could further endear itself to America and Europe.

    This flirtation had a desirable outcome for Ankara as well. If
    currently it is seen that that country has gotten out of the chaotic
    economic and social conditions of recent years, this is owed to the
    services that [Turkey] has provided in the process of carrying out
    the policies and orders of America in the region.

    Now, the Turkish Government has taken another step in order to
    complete its hegemony. The Justice and Development [as received]
    Party Congress was held to show the power seeking and boldness of
    this ruling party in Turkey with some of the officials of countries
    such as Mursi, the Egyptian president and Khalid Mash'al [the leader
    of HAMAS] in attendance.

    Turkey, which currently sees itself as the flag bearer of the example
    of the region's Muslim countries, dares to warn Iran, Russia, and
    China in the Party Congress and say: "I hereby give notice to Russia,
    China, along with Iran to one again review their positions in relation
    to Syria over the last year and a half; because history will never
    forget alignment with such an oppressive rule (Bashar Al-Asad.)"

    Erdogan and his government are not aware that, by their obvious
    interference, they are sharing in the massacres that the Syrian
    insurgents and terrorists are committing and that this action of
    theirs will be recorded in history and that it is Turkey that, like
    the massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman regime which was recorded
    in history and has remained like a black mark on the forehead of that
    country. And if the current Turkish Government continues its policies
    against Syria, another case about the massacres of that country will
    be recorded in history which the current and future public opinion
    will not forgive.

    The front which Turkey has established with the cooperation of other
    regional countries against Syria is not only a front against Syria,
    but is a front against the resistance against the Zionist regime and
    against Iran as well. The defeat of the policies of Turkey against
    Syria weakens that country's position in the region and this will cause
    the Muslim people of [Turkey] to begin popular protests against the
    actions of the ruling government and the heavy costs that it incurs
    to arm and equip the Syrian insurgents. It is then that we shall
    await the Turkish spring.

    [Translated from Persian]
