by Aleksandra Pavlovic
Mondaq Business Briefing
October 9, 2012 Tuesday
In an effort to improve copyright protection and strengthen the fight
against piracy, as of October 18, 2012, all electronic data carriers
manufactured in or imported into Armenia will need to be labeled.
This requirement will apply to magnetic, optical, digital, laser and
other types of electronic media. To prepare for this new measure,
the Armenian State Revenue Committee will have to acquire 2.3 million
labels by September.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide
to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your
specific circumstances.
Ms Aleksandra Pavlovic PETOSEVIĆ 111-113 Dimitar Petkov Blvd
Office 4-5, Floor 3 Sofia 1309 Sofia BULGARIA
by Aleksandra Pavlovic
Mondaq Business Briefing
October 9, 2012 Tuesday
In an effort to improve copyright protection and strengthen the fight
against piracy, as of October 18, 2012, all electronic data carriers
manufactured in or imported into Armenia will need to be labeled.
This requirement will apply to magnetic, optical, digital, laser and
other types of electronic media. To prepare for this new measure,
the Armenian State Revenue Committee will have to acquire 2.3 million
labels by September.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide
to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your
specific circumstances.
Ms Aleksandra Pavlovic PETOSEVIĆ 111-113 Dimitar Petkov Blvd
Office 4-5, Floor 3 Sofia 1309 Sofia BULGARIA