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Armenian-Americans For Mitt Romney Expect Solution To Armenian Issue

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  • Armenian-Americans For Mitt Romney Expect Solution To Armenian Issue


    11 October, 2012

    YEREVAN,OCTOBER 11,ARMENPRESS: Armenian-Americans for Mitt Romney
    launches coalition works to assist US Presidential Republican Nominee
    Mitt Romney in November 6 Presidential Elections and expect him
    to support them over Armenian issues solution. Taniel Koushakjian
    Armenian-Americans for Mitt Romney collation manager came forth with
    commentaries. Armenpress had an interview with Taniel Koushakjian
    collation manager over the scheduled meeting with US Presidential
    Nominees and the envisaging of Armenian issues with them.

    -Armenian Community has expressed willingness to meet USA Incumbent
    President Barack Obama and Presidential Nominee, Republican Mitt
    Romney. Have they somehow recalled to your suggestion?

    Despite repeated requests by Armenian-American community leaders,
    such as the Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian National Committee
    and AGBU among others, President Obama and Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton have not met with them. While some members of the
    Armenian-American community have met Governor Romney on the campaign
    trail, there has not been a formal request for community leaders to
    meet with him. Both us, Armenian-Americans for Mitt Romney Coalition,
    and the Armenian National Committee have requested a statement from
    Governor Romney on Armenian issues.

    -What expectations does Armenian Community have from Mitt Romney and
    Barack Obama? Whom our compatriots favor more?

    Like all Americans, we expect leadership, honesty and values from our
    elected officials. When it comes to Armenian issues, President Obama
    failed to live up to his campaign pledge to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide as President. That calls into question his honesty. President
    Obama's nomination and subsequent recess appoint of Matthew Bryza
    to serve as Ambassador to Azerbaijan was opposed by Senators of his
    own party, not to mention many Armenian-Americans. That calls into
    question his ability to lead. And the silence of President Obama
    on the destruction, confiscation and profiteering of Christian
    Armenian religious properties by the Turkish Government as well as
    Azerbaijans completed destruction of Armenian Khachkars at Old Julfa,
    call into question his values. Based on discussions with various
    Armenian-Americans, most sharing their disappointment and converted
    support of Governor Romney, it looks like the Armenian-American
    community is leaning toward the Republican nominee. However, in
    the absence of a formal statement from Governor Romney's campaign
    on Armenian issues, it will be more difficult to fully convert and
    turn out Armenian voters for him. What Armenian Community expected
    from President Obama that he failed to implement? Live up to his
    campaign pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide as President,
    Open the Turkish-Armenian border, Advance a peaceful settlement of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through the , OSCE Minsk Group on the
    basis of international law, self-determination of , peoples and the
    reality on the ground, Maintain parity in military aid to Armenia
    and Azerbaijan.

    -Is the number of Armenian Genocide supporters expected to increase
    in the House of Representatives?

    This will only be known after Election Day. As it stands today the
    Congressional Caucus on Armenian issues has 136 Members, while the
    Congressional Turkish Caucus boasts 150. Both sides are expected to
    loose about a dozen members, including many who have already announced
    retirement, candidacy for other office, or who fell victim to the once
    a decade Congressional redistricting process. Based on an analysis from
    January the Armenian Caucus was set to loose 9 Members of Congress
    and the Turkish Caucus was set to loose 7, but there have been more
    announced retirements, and a few incumbents who lost their primary
    election, such as pro-Turkey Jean Schmidt (R-OH) who lost to a Tea
    Party challenger.

    -What expectations do you have on Armenian Genocide recognition from
    US Presidential nominees, especially in connection with Mitt Romney
    you are favoring?

    Armenian-Americans expect the President of the United States to
    assist the government of Turkey to end its blockade of Armenia;
    Armenian-Americans expect the President of the United States to ensure
    that the foreign policy of the US reflects appropriate understanding
    and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic
    cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record relating
    to the Armenian Genocide. We also expect the President of the United
    States to advance Turkish acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide;
    Armenian-Americans expect a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict based on the principles of democracy and self-determination
    of people; Armenian-Americans expect closer cooperation between the
    US-Armenia on issues related to social, economic and military spheres.

    -What kind of questions will be raised in the launched meetings with
    both Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney?

    We look forward to the opportunity to discuss these issues directly
    with winner of the November 6 elections.

    Interview by Mary Khalatyan

    >>From right in the photo is Taniel Koushakjian with Paul Ryan,
    Republican US vice-presidential candidate.

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