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Belgium: Communitarianism Elections In 2012

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  • Belgium: Communitarianism Elections In 2012

    Published: 11-10-2012

    Info Collectif VAN - - A group of Belgian
    personalities come disseminate the following open letter about
    communitarianism seriously polluting the countryside and contaminating
    all parties. Dogan Ozguden, editor of Info-Turk, follows this open
    letter of his remarks highly relevant. He concludes, "Let alone the
    victims of genocide and repression endless, at least in their country
    of refuge is Belgium. "

    Caption: Dogan Ozguden, editor of Info-Turk

    BiaNet * Some remarks on the open letter about communitarianism
    elections 2012 A group of Belgian personalities come disseminate
    the following open letter about communitarianism seriously polluting
    campaign and contaminating all parties. coming Sunday, some of us will
    vote socialist, humanist, liberal, green, communist or FDF, others
    will not vote. Some of us are Christians, Muslims, Jews or atheists .

    however, we all share the same belief and commitment. There is no
    place in our country for racism and anti-Semitism are dangerously head
    during the election campaign. should not be room for either Community
    folds of any kind that they are religious, ethnic or nationalist.

    Unfortunately, anyone can see, in some municipalities communitarianism
    rages seriously pollutes and contaminates the campaign all parties.

    Candidates are stigmatized, often anonymously, through leaflets
    distributed to large scale, their membership, real or supposed, of
    one religion or ethnic group. Any form of historical revisionism is
    obviously highly condemnable but it is not acceptable that foreign
    conflicts in our country, past or present, and without unrelated
    to the issue of elections (Israeli-Palestinian Turkish-Kurdish,
    Turkish-Armenian Sahrawi-Moroccan Sunni-Shia Hutu-Tutsi, etc.). *
    be exploited by some for crass election. We So we insurgeons and
    shout "daredevil" against such practices unacceptable and highly
    dangerous for our democracy and the indispensable necessity of "living
    together." We urge all candidates and all concerned, ALL political
    stripes to stop this race "catch voice" of threats and require that
    campaigns focus exclusively on the real issues, political, economic,
    social and environmental vital to our citizens, regardless of their
    religion or ethnicity. Josy Dubie, Honorary Senator; Louis Michel
    MEP, Marie Arena, Senator, George Dallemagne, MP; Didier Gosuin, MP;
    Lahssaini Fouad, Member, Jean Claude Defosse, MP; Madrane Rashid,
    Deputy; Wesphael Bernard, MP, Fatiha Saidi, MP; Carine Russo,
    former Senator; Michel Graindorge, Lawyer, Sam Touzani, Comedian,
    Ralp Coeckelberghs Ex reponsable NGOs Simone Suskind. * Remarks
    Dogan Ozguden, editor of Info-Turk: As one of the first activists
    of the struggle for recognition of political rights to citizens of
    foreign origin, with all my heart I support this approach. however,
    I disagree with the citation of no conflict, "Turkish-Kurdish and
    Turkish-Armenian". Kurdish and Armenian peoples are the victims
    for more than a century of genocidal dictatorship powers successive
    Unionists, Kemalists and Islamists. In Turkey, there is a legitimate
    defense against repression endless ultra-nationalist Turkish
    state an Islamist. election campaign currently taking place in the
    municipalities Schaerbeek and Saint-Josse has nothing to do with Kurds
    and Armenians. A Schaerbeek, there is no candidate from the Kurdish
    and Armenian communities. Moreover, after several attempts of ethnic
    cleansing initiated by Turkish nationalists instigated and protected
    by the Turkish Embassy, citizens of Kurdish origin, Armenian and
    Assyrian-Chaldean away from this part of the city. What is happening
    today in Schaerbeek is a settling of accounts between Aboriginal
    politicians surrounded by Turkish nationalists candidates giving any
    concessions anti-democratic and anti-secular to get some more votes
    in the Turkish community. election campaign of these politicians often
    occurs either in the markets, cafes, restaurants, mosques and Turkish
    nightclubs, either directly in Turkey in a city inhabited only by
    citizens Turkish Turkish. It is true that the leaders of all parties
    competing in Schaerbeek and Saint-Josse went for months Emirdag. A
    state secretary (PS), which is also said to be the "mayor of future
    Saint-Josse "is often Emirdag and even Ankara. reputations It often
    hosts Turkey in his office, for example the police chief of Istanbul
    Celalettin Cerrah accused of failing to prevent the assassination
    of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink . sites and newspapers serving the
    Turkish lobby is full of information and photos on this communitarian
    mobilization. Leaving alone the victims of genocide and repression
    ending, at least in their country of refuge is Belgium. http: / / INFO-TURK 53, rue de Pavie 1000 BRUSSELS

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    Source / Link: Info-Turk
