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Oskanian Case

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  • Oskanian Case

    jeudi 11 octobre 2012

    Daily newspapers commented on the statement of former President Robert
    Kocharian, the latter having expressed his solidarity with the former
    Minister of AE, Oskanian.

    Edward Sharmazanov, spokesman for the Republican Party, said respect
    the opinion of Kocharian, while disapproving of his point of view,
    according to which the green light from parliament to lift the
    immunity of Mr Oskanian constitutes a ' clear case of self-stigma. "
    According to Mr. Sharmazanov is the concealment of a crime that would
    be a case of self-stigma. Mr. Sharmazanov additional calls "displaced"
    the politicization of this matter.

    Another representative of the Republican Party, Galoust Sahakian, said
    that under President Robert Kocharian, MPs have also been deprived
    of their immunity.

    The views of commentators on the reaction of former president
    differ:-Some believe it was neutral, others see it as brutal, making it
    clear that his successor was not in its interest to pursue a politician
    "honest, competent and experienced" as Oskanian. One thing is certain,
    according to them, the tension between the Republican Party and
    Prosperous Armenia, formerly partners will crescendo.

    Joxovurd believes that this is not a coincidence that a news agency
    yesterday published a report that Gagik Tsaroukian was convicted of
    rape in the 80s in the Russian city of Nizhny Tagil ... The answer
    spokesman Mr. Tsaroukian did not expect: he has accused political
    opponents have exceeded all limits and warned against a boomerang
    effect. 168 Jam is surprised by the silence of Gagik Tsaroukian.

    Hayots Achkhar wondered why an American citizen, Huntsman Jones, who
    more Mormon leader, bequeathed Oskanian such large sums. "Is it not
    a suspect personality who led a large state structure for 10 years
    receives donations of millions of dollars from a foreign citizen
    representing a religious sect? Does this not an issue relating to
    national security? "Asks Hayots Achkhar.

    Excerpt from the press review of the Embassy of France in Armenia,
    dated October 4, 2012
