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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 10/11/2012

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 10/11/2012

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY October 11, 2012
    Holy Translators
    A detail of a tapestry by Krikor Khandjian depicting Mesrob Mashdots and his disciples.

    ** Feast of the Holy Translators

    On Saturday, October 13, the Armenian Church will observe the Feast of
    the Holy Translators, which commemorates the disciples of Mesrob
    Mashdots who worked alongside the creator of the Armenian alphabet to
    translate the Bible and other ecclesiastical works into the Armenian
    language. They also opened schools to teach the newly discovered
    alphabet and traveled across Armenia preaching the Word of God.

    Their work is especially compelling in this year of the 500th
    anniversary of Armenian printing: Had it not been for the vision of
    Mesrob Mashdots and his group of scholars, Armenian printing would
    have been inconceivable, in the 17th or any century.

    At Holy Etchmiadzin on Friday, October 12-the eve of the Feast of the
    Holy Translators-the relics of St. Gregory of Narek will be venerated
    during the vespers service-the first time in recent history that this
    ceremony is being observed. (Gregory of Narek is one of several later
    literary figures who are also honored on the Feast of the Holy

    At the Diocesan Center in New York, a celebration will be organized on
    Sunday, October 14, by the Armenian Studies section of the Department
    of Youth and Education. The day will include the participation of the
    following parish Armenian schools: St. Vartan Armenian School of New
    York, NY; Holy Martyrs Language School of Bayside, NY; St. Greogy
    Mission Parish Armenian School of Brooklyn, NY; Kirikian Armenian
    School of Teanfly, NJ; St. Leon Armenian School of Fair Lawn, NJ; and
    the Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum. The event is open to the public. Click
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, Providence, RI

    ** Primate to Ordain Altar Servers in Providence, RI

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will visit Sts. Sahag
    and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, this weekend, where he will
    ordain altar servers and preside over the church's name day

    On Saturday, October 13, Archbishop Barsamian will ordain 10 young men
    to the rank of acolyte. The ten are Timothy Aznavourian, Garen
    Megrdichian, Adam Parnagian, Antranig Daoud, Michael Papazian, Luke
    Alexander, David Alexander, Aren Daoud, Zachary Semerjian, and Zander
    Semerjian. A reception and musical presentation will follow the

    On Sunday, October 14, Archbishop Barsamian will celebrate the Divine
    Liturgy and ordain Samuel DeBlois, Timothy Aznavourian, and Haroutiun
    Ohanesian to the sub-diaconate. Later in the afternoon, the parish
    will gather for its annual name day banquet, during which several
    parishioners will be honored.

    Call the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church at (401) 272-7712 for further

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 19:1-11
    Gal 2:1-10
    Mk 12:35-44

    ** Prayer of the Week

    With your peace, Christ our savior, which surpasses all understanding
    and speech, defend us and keep us fearless of all evil. Make us equal
    to your true worshipers, who worship you in spirit and in truth; for
    to the most-holy Trinity is befitting glory, dominion, and honor, now
    and always. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    13 October: Holy Translators Mesrob, Yeghishe, Moses the Poet, David
    the Philosopher, Gregory of Narek, and Nersess the Graceful

    14 October: Fifth Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

    Homecoming Trailer (

    ** Get Ready for a "Homecoming"

    In anticipation of a forthcoming video about the Diocese's September
    2012 pilgrimage to historic Armenia, the Diocese's Communications
    Department has released a one-minute clip highlighting some of the
    historic monuments visited on the pilgrimage.

    Titled `Homecoming,' the full video will explore the pilgrims'
    emotional return to their ancestral land, and showcase footage of
    Zeytoun, Kayseri, and Sepastia, among other cities and villages. It
    will also take viewers on a journey to iconic Armenian churches,
    including the jewels of Ani and Aghtamar.

    Click here ( to view the `Homecoming'

    Concelebration of the Divine Liturgy at St. Leon Church, NJ
    Bishop David of the Coptic Orthodox Church gives Holy Communion during
    Saturday's service.

    ** Oriental Orthodox Concelebration of the Divine Liturgy

    On Saturday, October 6, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox
    Churches sponsored the annual Oriental Orthodox Concelebration of the
    Divine Liturgy at St. Leon Armenian Church of Fair Lawn, NJ.

    Clergy, altar servers, and choir members of the Armenian, Coptic,
    Ethiopian, Malankara, and Syrian Orthodox Churches took part in the
    service. Celebrants included Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of
    the Eastern Diocese; Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Ecumenical Director
    of the Eastern Diocese; Archbishop Cyril Aphrem Karim of the Syrian
    Church; Archbishop Abune Zekarias of the Ethiopian Church; and Bishop
    David of the Coptic Church.

    Click here
    to view the day's photos.

    Hirant Gulian receives Nersess Shnorahali Medal
    Archbishop Barsamian presents Hirant Gulian with the `St. Nersess
    Shnorhali Medal.' (Photo by Diran Jebejian)

    ** A Tribute to a Lifelong Community Leader

    On Friday evening, October 5, more than 400 friends of longtime
    community activist Hirant Gulian paid tribute to him during a
    celebratory banquet sponsored by the Eastern Diocese. Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, presided over the occasion.

    In the course of the evening Mr. Gulian received three extraordinary
    honors: an encyclical and medal sent from His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Catholicos of All Armenians; a medal from the Republic of Armenia's
    Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian; and an award from the Republic of
    Nagorno-Karabagh's President Bako Sahakian. A special proclamation
    from New York Senator Charles Schumer was also presented to the

    Mr. Gulian is a deacon of the Armenian Church and a devoted servant of
    his heritage. He has organized the Times Square Martyrs Day gatherings
    for 30 years, and his leadership has helped strengthen a number of
    Armenian organizations in the United States. He has also been an
    active supporter of efforts to build up Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh.

    Speakers at Friday's celebration, which was held at St. Leon Church of
    Fair Lawn, NJ, reflected on these contributions and expressed their
    gratitude to Mr. Gulian and his wife Ruby for their dedication and

    Click on the following links to read more ( and
    to view photos ( .

    Sirvart Hovnanian
    U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone presents Mrs. Sirvart Hovnanian with
    the Congressional citation issued in her honor. (Photo by Vartan Abdo)

    ** Mrs. Sirvart Hovnanian Honored at St. Stepanos Church

    On Sunday, October 7, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    visited St. Stepanos Church of Elberon, NJ, as the parish marked the
    church's 25th anniversary and honored Mrs. Sirvart Hovnanian, who with
    her late husband Mr. Kevork Hovnanian built the church in memory of
    Mr. Hovnanian's parents.

    Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the assistance
    of the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, parish pastor. A requiem
    service followed on the occasion of the third anniversary of
    Mr. Kevork Hovnanian's passing. A world-class business leader,
    philanthropist, and founding chair of the Fund for Armenian Relief,
    Mr. Hovnanian is the godfather of St. Stepanos Church.

    On Sunday evening, a gala was held at the Oyster Point Hotel in Red
    Bank, NJ, to honor Mrs. Sirvart Hovnanian. Mrs. Hovnanian received a
    Congressional citation presented by U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone and
    a New Jersey State Senate resolution presented by Mrs. Susan
    Doctorian-Kyrillos, wife of New Jersey State Senator and U.S. Senate
    candidate Joe Kyrillos.

    Click on the following links to read more ( and
    to view photos

    Sisli Mayor visits the Diocesan Center
    (from left) Å=9EiÅ=9Fli Mayor Sarıgül, Archbishop Barsamian, and
    Deputy Mayor Barinian.

    ** Primate Receives Mayor of Å=9EiÅ=9Fli

    At the Diocesan Center today, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan
    Primate, welcomed the mayor of Istanbul's Å=9EiÅ=9Fli district,
    Mustafa Sarigül, and the deputy mayor Vasken Barinian, who are
    currently visiting New York.

    The Primate met Mr. Sarigül last year following the consecration of
    the St. Giragos Armenian Church in Dikranagert, when the mayor hosted
    a delegation of Armenians visiting Å=9EiÅ=9Fli, a district which is
    home to a large number of Armenian families.

    At today's meeting in the tahlij (formal reception room) of the
    Diocesan Center, Archbishop Barsamian spoke of Istanbul's historic
    cosmopolitan spirit, commending the mayor for his outreach to the many
    minority communities residing in Å=9EiÅ=9Fli. Mr. Sarigül has been
    especially supportive of Armenian churches and institutions in
    Istanbul. The Primate also expressed his gratitude to deputy mayor
    Barinian, an Armenian community member himself, for helping to
    strengthen relations with the Armenian Patriarchate.

    GTech FAR
    Students at GTech in Armenia.

    ** FAR to Host Evening in Celebration of GTech

    On Thursday, October 18, the Fund for Armenian Relief will host an
    evening in celebration of its Gyumri Information Technology Center at
    SoHo House in New York City. Click here ( for
    more information.

    GTech was established in 2005 by FAR, in partnership with U.S. and
    Armenian technology companies, and with strong support from FAR's
    Young Professional alumni community. The goal of the center is to
    strengthen the information technology skills of young Armenians and to
    expand employment and business opportunities in the region for young
    professionals. GTech also helps to bolster development by providing an
    incubator space for new start-up IT businesses.

    Annual Appeal

    ** Support the Diocese's 2012 Annual Appeal

    The Eastern Diocese has launched its 2012 Annual Appeal-the only
    Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each year to help the Diocese
    undertake the many ministries, programs, and resources that enrich
    life in our local parishes.

    The strong response to last year's Appeal was a heartwarming
    endorsement of the Diocese's efforts to manage our budget while
    providing creative, inspirational outreach programs to our
    parishes. The 2011 Annual Appeal not only met its target goal, but
    established an endowment to fund Diocesan ministries-in the name of
    our Primate, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, on the 40th anniversary of
    his priestly ordination.

    With that kind of success behind us, we have set a target of $825,000
    for the 2012 Annual Appeal. Funds raised beyond that target will help
    to support one of the great institutions of our community: the
    Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA).

    Follow these links to donate now ( , and to learn
    more ( about the 2012 Annual Appeal.

    Choir Workshop in Milwaukee
    Dn. Rubik Mailian led a choir workshop at St. John the Baptist Church
    last Saturday.

    ** Wisconsin Parishes Gather for Choir Workshop

    On Saturday, October 6, some 20 choir members and altar servers of
    three Wisconsin churches gathered at St. John the Baptist Church of
    Greenfield, WI, for a choir workshop led by Dn. Rubik Mailian, chair
    of the Diocese's Sacred Music Council.

    The workshop introduced various voice exercises and other methods of
    mental and spiritual preparation for singing the hymns of the Divine
    Liturgy. Dn. Mailian emphasized ensemble skills and encouraged choir
    members to spend time reviewing the meaning of the text of the Divine

    In addition to St. John Church, parishioners of Holy Resurrection
    Church of South Milwaukee, WI, and St. Mesrob Church of Racine, WI,
    took part in the workshop.

    Austin mission parish
    Parishioner Jesse Parker reads the Sunday lectionary during Badarak.

    ** Austin, TX, Mission Parish Prepares for Picnic

    Last weekend, the Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the Diocese's director of
    Mission Parishes, visited the mission parish of Austin, TX, where he
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy and joined the community for fellowship.

    The mission parish is mobilizing efforts to help a local community
    member who is experiencing illness and personal hardship. Fr. Abdalian
    and Parish Council member Tigran Parsamian updated the parishioners on
    the situation and offered advice on how to proceed.

    They also extended their appreciation to Anna Hakobyan of the San
    Antonio mission parish for playing the organ on Sunday, and reviewed
    plans for the parish's annual picnic, which is scheduled for Sunday,
    October 14.

    Diocesan Clergy
    Fr. Apgar Hovakimyan (center) with clergy in Chicago, IL.

    ** Priest from Bulgaria Visits Parishes in the Midwest

    Earlier this week, parishes in the Midwest welcomed the Very
    Rev. Fr. Apgar Hovakimyan, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of Bulgaria, who is visiting the Eastern Diocese this month.

    Fr. Hovakimyan celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Sahag Church of
    St. Paul, MN, on Sunday, and later visited St. Gregory the Illuminator
    Church of Chicago, IL, and St. James Church of Evanston, IL.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator
    Church, organized an afternoon of brotherly fellowship in
    Fr. Hovakimyan's honor, which allowed local clergy to meet with the
    visiting priest and to learn about the activities of the Bulgarian

    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian
    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian was ordained to the holy priesthood in
    1947. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9)
    to view a video about his ministry.

    ** Wynnewood, PA, Parish Honors Archbishop Gizirian

    On Sunday, September 23, St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood,
    PA, hosted a banquet honoring the 65th anniversary of Archbishop
    Yeghishe Gizirian's ordination into the holy priesthood.

    The day began with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop
    Gizirian, followed by the banquet and program. Keynote speaker Anita
    Fayda Brattina shared warm memories of attending ACYOA events at
    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church during Archbishop Gizirian's tenure
    there, from 1968 to 1973.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, the present pastor of St. Sahag
    and St. Mesrob Church, announced the creation of a scholarship fund at
    St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in Archbishop Gizirian's honor. Seminary
    dean the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan spoke of Archbishop Gizirian's
    love for and service to the Armenian Church, and thanked the parish
    for its support of the seminary.

    Click here
    ( to read more.

    Upcoming Events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY
    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will host the
    Sassoun Dance Ensemble of Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Toronto,
    Canada, on Saturday, October 13, at 7 p.m. Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. James Church | Watertown, MA
    St. James Church of Watertown, MA, will host its annual bazaar on
    October 12 and 13, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The bazaar will feature
    Armenian food, vendor booths, raffles, activities for children, and
    more. The event will be held in Keljik Hall of the church's Charles
    Mosesian Cultural and Youth Center (465 Mt. Auburn St. in Watertown).

    Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities are available. For
    information, contact co-chairs Nancy Kassabian at (781) 322-0029, or
    Sandy Raphalian at (781) 762-6465, or email [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. John the Baptist Church | Greenfield, WI
    St. John the Baptist Church of Greenfield, WI, will host a `mini
    retreat' for middle and high school students of the Armenian and
    Coptic churches on Saturday, October 13, from 4 to 8:30 p.m. The
    retreat will focus on unity and appreciation of each other's
    traditions. For information, call St. John the Baptist Church at (414)

    Holy Resurrection Church | New Britain, CT
    Holy Resurrection Church of New Britain, CT, will welcome Archbishop
    Yeghishe Gizirian in Sunday, October 14. Archbishop Gizirian will
    celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the day's sermon. Later that
    afternoon, he will preside over the church's anniversary dinner, which
    will feature a presentation by Elizabeth Mouradjian on the summer 2012
    Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. For information, call the
    church at (860) 223-7875.

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, will hold its annual `Gourmet Food
    Festival' from October 12 to 14. Enjoy the most popular delicacies in
    the Armenian cuisine, including shish, chicken, and luleh kebab;
    kufteh; cheese boereg; yalanchi; eech; and a variety of
    desserts. Activities include a performance by the Antranig Dance Group
    on October 13, raffles, and games for children. Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    On Friday, October 19, St. Leon Church will host a lecture by
    Professor Taner Akçam titled `Assimilation: A Structural Element of
    the Armenian Genocide.' The talk will begin at 7:45 p.m. A book
    signing and reception will follow. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Peter Church | Watervliet, NY
    St. Peter Church of Watervliet, NY, will celebrate its 113th
    anniversary with a dinner and auction on Friday, October 19, beginning
    at 6 p.m. The event will be held at Michael's Banquet House (1019 New
    Loudon Road, Rt. 9, Cohoes). Reservations must be made by Friday,
    October 12.

    Click here
    to view a flyer or visit the parish website ( for

    St. George Church | Hartford, CT
    St. George Church of Hartford, CT, will host its annual "Armenian Food
    Fest" on Friday, October 19 (5 to 8 p.m.), and Saturday, October 20
    (11 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

    Enjoy lamb, chicken, and luleh kebab; vegetarian platters; and
    Armenian breads and pastries. The fest also features an iPad raffle
    and a country store offering jams and other delicacies, an Armenian
    cookbook, and souvenirs from Armenia. Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Cross Church | Union City, NJ
    Holy Cross Church of Union City, NJ, will host its annual bazaar and
    food festival on Saturday, October 27, beginning at 6 p.m.

    Enjoy a dinner of khavourma, keshkeg soup, kufteh, luleh kebob, cheese
    boreg, yalanchi,and pastries. Entertainment includes music by DJ Berj,
    raffles, and more. A children's Halloween party will be held from 5 to
    6 p.m. Click here
    to view a flyer for more information.

    ** EVENTS
    Taner Akcam
    Professor Akçam is an international authority on the Armenian
    Genocide, and one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and
    openly discuss it.

    ** Taner Açkam to Speak at Diocesan Center

    On Thursday, October 18, the Eastern Diocese will host a lecture by
    Professor Taner Akçam titled `The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity:
    Ethnic Cleansing and the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.'

    Professor Akçam-an international authority on the Armenian Genocide,
    and one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and openly
    discuss it-will be introduced by Professor Peter Balakian, the leading
    public voice of Armenian Genocide advocacy.

    The lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Haik and Alice Kavookjian
    Auditorium of the Diocesan Center (630 Second Avenue, New York
    City). It is being organized with the participation of AGBU Ararat,
    the Knights and Daughters of Vartan, Tekeyan Cultural Association,
    C.A.R.S., Tibrevank Alumni, Hye Doon, and Eseyan-Getronagan Alumni.

    Click here
    to view a flyer.

    Concert at St. Vartan Cathedral

    ** Classical Concert to be Held at Diocesan Center

    On Saturday, November 3, a classical concert will be held at the
    Diocesan Center, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

    Sopranos Anoosh Barclay, Hasmik Meikhanedjian, Narine Ojakhyan, and
    Anahit Zakaryan-accompanied by pianist Garen Hagopian-will perform the
    works of Pergolesi, Donizetti, Verdi, Rossini, Bizet, Dvorak, Komitas,
    Tigranian, Melikian, and Abrahamian.

    The concert will be held in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium of
    the Diocesan Center (630 Second Avenue, New York City). Click here
    to view a flyer for information, or call the Diocese at (212)

    ACYOA Sports Weekend
    ACYOA Juniors members during a chess tournament at the Fall Sports
    Weekend in Providence, RI.

    ** ACYOA Juniors Enjoy a Weekend of Worship and Sports

    Some 170 young people from 14 parishes across the Diocese took part in
    the ACYOA Juniors Fall Sports Weekend, held October 5 to 8 at
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI.

    Themed `Catch the Hye Seas,' the program included worship, sports
    tournaments, dances, and a live Armenian band performance. As part of
    a service project, the ACYOA Juniors also prepared gift bags and made
    get-well cards for the young patients of Hasbro Hospital in

    On Sunday, participants took part in the Divine Liturgy, which was
    celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, parish pastor. Later that
    day, they heard a message from Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's Youth
    Outreach coordinator, and enjoyed a meal prepared by the parish.

    Under the direction of its youth director Steve Megrdichian, the
    Providence parish worked hard to plan the weekend's activities and to
    host the participants in their homes. Click here
    to view the Fall Sports Weekend photos.

    For more information on the ACYOA Juniors, contact Jennifer Morris at
    (248) 648-0702, or via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 686-0710 | Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Web: ( ( (
