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Artists Unite To Restore Shushi's Cultural Legacy

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  • Artists Unite To Restore Shushi's Cultural Legacy

    Anush Kocharyan
    12:56, October 11, 2012

    Twenty Armenian artists from around the world have converged on the
    historic Artsakh town of Shushi to participate in Land and Technologies
    project that is a part of the Shushi Art Project.

    The art on display is a mixed bag of exhibitions and installations
    that allow the artists to mingle with local residents.

    Harry Vorperian, an artist from America who heads the project,
    was excited to talk to Hetq about how the idea to bring artists to
    Artsakh was conceived and what their experiences had been.

    Vorperian said he had a personal exhibition in Los Angeles two years
    ago and the responses were so positive that he decided to stage a
    group exhibition there.

    [shushi-7.jpg] Some of the artists in Shushi

    The artist said that he thought about taking the exhibition outside
    the confines of L.A. and figured Shushi would be the most appropriate
    venue since the town has always served as a cultural center for
    Armenians. He added that work needs to be done to see that Shushi's
    cultural legacy restored for our times.

    "Shushi is like a blank canvas for artists," he noted.

    This reporter asked Vorperian how it happened that his visit to Shushi
    coincided with the opening of the Shushi Art Gallery.

    "When I visited Shushi in July, work on the gallery was under way. I
    asked if we could use the space and were told we could. It's a
    gallery of international standards. That's how our work jived. It
    was a pleasant solution. I don't know the details of the gallery's
    future plans but I know they are looking for a curator to make the
    place come alive."

    Vorperian told me that 8 of the artists were from the States and 2
    from Europe. There are also 10 from Yerevan.

    [shushi-2.jpg] Ara Oshagan and his photo installation

    I asked about the installation of photographer Ara Oshagan where huge
    blown-up photos have been hung in the empty window and door archways
    of a ruined building.

    [shushi-3.jpg] Samvel Saghatelyan's "Quilt"

    "The reaction has been fantastic. It's a very current theme and
    something that local residents can relate to because in the windows
    they would see their parents and friends. Let me tell you about
    an incident that touched me. Two days ago I was walking past the
    building towards the hotel and saw a guy kneeling down in front of
    one of the photos. He was trying to retie one of the ropes holding
    down the photo. It was a great gesture and shows how we have been
    received by the people of Shushi."

    Vorperian told me that art works had been installed at other sites
    as well.

    His installation and one by Ashot Avagyan are located at Jdrdouz
    (Dziatap); Sahak Poghosyan's installation is on the ramparts of the
    fort, and Charles Khachatourian's half ton piece has been moved to
    the gallery.

    [shushi-4.jpg] Charles HKhachatourian's gigantic work being moved

    The Shushi Art Project will wrap up on October 14. Nevertheless,
    Vorperian said he was sure that others would continue the work to
    make Shushi a center of arts and culture once again.

    [shushi-5.jpg] Art installation at the old fort

    P.S. - Hetq will be talking with some of the other artists in the
    project soon.
