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Fighting Hydros: Armenian Village Residents Oppose Government Plans

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  • Fighting Hydros: Armenian Village Residents Oppose Government Plans

    By Gayane Abrahamyan

    12.10.12 | 14:48

    A fresh tide of environmental protest is starting in Armenia - this
    time against the construction of a hydro-power plant in the Ijevan
    preserve. Ecologists say the construction will damage the entire
    eco-system of the area and will increase landslides.

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    The Government had approved the construction on the Paghjur
    (Khachaghbyur) river in the northeastern Tavush province of Armenia.

    The site for the second hydro-power plant on the same river is below
    the Lastiver waterfall.

    The Lastiver waterfall and a rare "two-storey" cave there are among
    the best natural sights in Armenia. The place is covered with virgin
    and dense forests and rich flora, while the Paghjur is famous for
    its trout, which is now included in the Red Book of endangered species.

    "This is simply genocide against our nature, our amazing nature will
    become hell, as landslides already now have increased in our areas. If
    they go on with this construction project and the forest is logged,
    our villages will one day be buried," Getahovit resident Artur Avagyan
    told ArmeniaNow.

    Environmentalists and villagers of the 2,000-strong rural community
    say the construction company, Megaenergy Ltd., is acting illegally,
    as it has no proper documentation on the allocation of land and
    findings of environmental expert examinations.

    Land was allotted to the company by the head of the nearby Yenokavan
    community only to find later that the actual construction would be
    in Getahovit. With a September 14 resolution the Yenokavan mayor
    invalidated his previous construction permit.

    Meanwhile, construction continues. A group of environmentalists who
    were at the site two days ago say they witnessed the destruction of a
    large part of the "Arjatkhleni" Reserve. They say about a dozen pieces
    of heavy construction machinery, including bulldozers and tractors,
    "invaded" the reserve, uprooting rare trees known in Armenian as
    "Arjatkhleni" and in English as Turkish hazel (this tree is native
    to southeast Europe and southwest Asia).

    The company's CEO Yerem Sargsyan, who first introduced himself to
    the protestors as an environmentalist and only then confessed he was
    the constructor, gave assurances that "no tree has been cut". He also
    told the green activists to "shut up".

    Teghut Defense Initiative member Artur Grigoryan said sarcastically:
    "Yes, they are not cutting trees, they are just uprooting them with

    Under the design, a three-kilometer-long pipeline is to pass through
    a narrow, wooded valley. It will take up to ten meters in width,
    which means that about 30,000 square meters of forest area will be
    destroyed only because of the construction of this pipe.

    "We only need to understand what landslide processes will arise because
    of the logging of these hillside trees, this is a crime fraught with
    catastrophic consequences," Trchkan civil initiative group member,
    geographer Levon Galstyan told ArmeniaNow.

    A positive environmental assessment, done by an affiliate of the
    Ministry of Nature Protection emphasizes that trees will not be cut.

    (The examination was conducted two months after the launch of the
    construction project.)

    "What is called examination is just a copy-paste from other documents,
    only names are changed. I asked the expert if he knew there was a
    dense forest there and if yes, how could he write that no tree would
    be cut. He says he was told by the village mayor that there was no
    forest. The examiner never visited the place," says Galstyan.

    Deputy head of the Environmental Expertise state non-commercial
    organization Henrikh Grigoryan told ArmeniaNow that a proper
    examination was conducted in the area. "I'll once again check, we'll
    clarify things," he added, however.

    Village residents already feel the negative consequences of another
    hydropower plant that was constructed on the same river three years
    ago. This plant is owned by opposition Free Democrats Party head
    Khachatur Kokobelyan's family. The residents say the river has become
    shallow and farmers' agricultural fields remain without irrigation.

    "We don't have water for months, and soon we're going to have to
    forget about agriculture. If another hydro is built, all villagers
    will just leave," 54-year-old Getahovit resident Stephan Dallakyan
    tells ArmeniaNow.

    Villagers say they won't stop their fight and will go on holding
    protests near the Government building in Yerevan where Minister of
    Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan received some of them on Thursday.

    After hearing the evidence and arguments, the minister ordered
    setting up a commission to examine the case. He also suggested that
    the building company "temporarily" halt the construction.

    However, this appears to be only part of a broader issue as
    environmentalists are concerned over government plans to encourage the
    construction of small hydropower plants in the country. Permissions for
    building as many as 70 such hydropower plants have already been issued
    and the total number of such facilities is expected to be around 300.

    "As many as 140 small hydropower plants have already been built in
    Armenia, and 70 more are under construction. Still, no studies have
    been conducted to assess how the construction of these plants will
    affect their respective areas, meanwhile that could spell a disaster
    for the entire ecosystem," says Ecolur NGO head Inga Zarafyan.

    Environmentalists are convinced that their fight will produce a result
    as it happened in the case with Trchkan, another waterfall where a
    hydropower plant construction had been planned but was eventually
    foiled by environmental protests last year.
