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Holland: Safarov affair in Dutch politics

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  • Holland: Safarov affair in Dutch politics

    Federation of Armenian Organisations in The Netherlands (FAON)
    Address: Weesperstraat 91
    2574 VS The Hague, The Netherlands
    Telephone: +31704490209
    Contact: M. Hakhverdian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Press Release
    Dutch politics and Safarovıs case
    Dutch FM Rosenthal on Safarovıs case: glorification of murderers is unacceptable
    Letter of support by Dutch Parliamentarians to Armenian parliament

    The Hague, 14 October 2012 ­ Over last weeks the Safarovıs issue has been
    brought up in Dutch politics on a number of occasions. To give support to
    the Members of the Armenian Parliament, former Dutch MP Mr. Leen Van Dijke
    of Christian Union Party, will hand over a letter signed by a number of
    Dutch Parliamentarians to the speaker of Armenian Parliament this Monday, 15
    October 2012.

    At a parliamentary session this week, on 10 October 2012, Dutch Foreign
    Minister Mr. Rosenthal gave his vision on the release, promotion and
    glorification of the Azeri officer Safarov. In reaction to the question of
    Christian Union MP Mr. Voordewind, who asked to condemn the state of
    affairs, the Minister summarised his vision by saying: ³Glorification of
    murderers is to be condemned². He continued his critical remark by adding:
    ³if the shoe fits, wear it². Mr. Rosenthal characterised the matter as being
    very complicated, also because of the Hungarian involvement.
    Mr. Voordewind had asked the Minister for a clear condemnation, as thus far
    he had not done that. Remarkably the Minister also indicated, that on the
    request of Hungary ­ during an EU Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs ­
    the matter should be handled very carefully and without getting involved.

    Rosenthal and his response to FAON letter and to written questions
    In his answers to the written questions by Christian Union MP Mr.
    Voordewind, some weeks ago, Mr. Rosenthal referred to the ³events of
    pardoning, promotion and heroism of Safarov² as ³having a negative effect on
    the stability in the region, because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and
    on the OSCE Minsk Group efforts to achieve a peace settlement².

    In his answers the Minister recalled that the Netherlands had urged
    Azerbaijan on the highest level, namely by the Vice Prime Minister and
    Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Verhagen, to handle the conflict with
    Armenia on Nagorno-Karabakh with carefulness. Mr. Verhagen, who was in Baku
    with a trade delegation, hereby explicitly mentioned the increasing tensions
    as a result of granting pardon to Safarov.

    In the reply by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the letter of the
    Federation of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands (FAON), it is
    mentioned that the Dutch government ³shares the disgust over the murder, as
    well as the worries about the pardoning and its consequences, namely the
    increasing tension as a result of the pardon granted to Safarov.² The letter
    also refers to Mr. Verhagenıs intervention in Baku and to the fact that the
    matter has been largely discussed on the European level ³including Hungaryıs
    role in it². The Netherlands will ³keep up with the matter², in the same way
    as the High Commissioner Catherine Ashton.

    Dutch Parliamentıs action
    Dutch Parliamentarians of several factions decided to express their direct
    support towards Armenia. Addressing the Members of the Armenian Parliament,
    former MP Mr. Van Dijke of Christian Union Party, will hand over a letter
    signed by a number of Dutch Parliamentarians, all members of Foreign Affairs
    Commission of the Parliament to the speaker of Armenian Parliament this
    Monday, 15 October 2012.

    As reported earlier, Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant in the Azerbaijani
    military, was serving a life sentence in Hungary for the axe murder of
    Armenian lieutenant Margaryan in his sleep, during a NATO Partnership for
    Peace program in Budapest. He was extradited to Azerbaijan, where he was
    welcomed as a hero, was pardoned immediately and promoted to a higher rank.
    Almost all international organisations characterised the Azeri behaviour as
    conflicting with the international standards.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress