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Obama vs Romney: Part 3

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  • Obama vs Romney: Part 3

    Mediamax, Armenia
    Oct 13 2012

    Obama vs Romney: Part 3

    The U.S. Embassy gave an opportunity to Mediamax's correspondent Aram
    Araratyan to watch the process of presidential election campaign in
    the U.S. As a result of his trip to the U.S., a special project was
    born. We present you the final part of the project.

    Barack Obama

    October 4, early morning. Denver vicinity. Sloan's Lake. Though it's
    still 7 a.m., many people gathered here and the paths to the lake are
    cordoned off by policemen. Several hours later, U.S. President Barack
    Obama will meet with his Colorado supporters.

    Barack Obama preferred to meet with his supporters in an open air.
    Despite the cold weather, about 12 thousand people came here to see
    and listen to the President.

    Unlike Mitt Romney's rally, Obama's one seems more simple. Modern
    music is heard from the huge loudspeakers and people sing and dance -
    not just because of to high spirits but to warm themselves up. Old
    famous supporter of the President, American rapper and producer from `The Black Eyed Peas', came to warm up the people. For
    example, it was him who wrote songs `We Are the Ones' and `Yes We Can'
    in 2008. These words became the main mottos of Barack Obama at 2008

    This time, "Forward" is the President's motto. This inscription on the
    blue background (official color of democrats) is featured both on a
    big poster and the stage the President is going to speak on.

    The President spoke about how he is going to lead Americans at the
    debate with his opponent Romney a day before and as many people think
    he was not convincing and was inferior to the rival. The local and
    foreign journalists gathered there can only guess how Barack Obama
    will appear in front of his supporters after the defeat experienced
    only a few hours before.

    It's tough not to be enticed by personal charm of the American
    President. If Mitt Romney is a very successful figure yet very far
    away from them, Barack Obama is a pleasant and smiling fellow who can
    drop in to a bar to have beer. He is supposed to lose a bit of his
    huge magnetism and charm he used to have 4 years ago. However, many
    people still think him the embodiment of the American dream: with
    wonderful wife and charming children as though just landed from a
    Christmas postcard. And the human factor as it was earlier mentioned
    is rather strong in America. "In any other country of the world,
    Barack Obama would have no problems with re-election", an American
    diplomat expresses his opinion a few minutes before the President's
    appearance on the stage.

    Barack Obama comes up to the stage as though a football field, with an
    immutable charming smile and welcomes the people. Hardly did he manage
    to utter a word, his sports "fury" and mood already strike our eyes.
    Obama seems to be completely confident, charged and energetic - in
    fact, the way people used to see him.

    `I love you'. A voice of a girl is heard once the applauds are
    subdued after the President's greeting. Obama makes a second pause and
    smiles. `I love you back', - says the President and starts his attack.

    "When I entered the stage I met this most inspired guy who called
    himself Mitt Romney. But he couldn't be Mitt Romney as the real Mitt
    Romney traveled the whole country promising reduction of taxes by USD
    5tln supporting the rich. The guy on the stage said last night he
    didn't know anything about it", the President started his speech.

    Barack Obama spent the whole 24 minutes of his speech in the same
    energetic and aggressive style. One can only get surprised where the
    energy was during his "duel" with Romney. Obama's speech was
    periodically interrupted by `Four more years' chanting.

    Barack Obama delivered his speech on the same emotional wave and
    finishes it with `God Bless America'. He then welcomed the people
    below for a long time shaking hands with hundreds of people, hugging
    the old people and children dazzled with endless flashes of photo

    If comparing only particular rallies of Obama and Romney, the U.S.
    President was much brighter and convincing. If taking only the debate,
    the republican was irrefutably more persuasive.

    After Colorado, President Barack Obama and candidate Mitt Romney went
    on a tour across the states. All the rallies of the candidates will be
    held in the so-called swing states - Virginia, Wisconsin and Florida.
    The next debate between Obama and Romney are scheduled for October 16
    and 11 and will be held in New York and Florida respectively. The
    presidential elections will be held on November 6.

    Aram Araratyan

    From: A. Papazian