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Chicago Holds Rally in Support of Syrian-Armenians

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  • Chicago Holds Rally in Support of Syrian-Armenians

    Chicago Holds Rally in Support of Syrian-Armenians
    X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian
    X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

    Posted by Weekly Staff on October 11, 2012

    GLENVIEW, Ill. - Chicago Armenians raised nearly $10,000 at a rally held on
    Sat., Sept. 29 in support of Syrian Armenian Relief. Organized by the
    Chicago `Christapor' ARF *Gomideh*, with the participation of nine
    community organizations and churches, the rally was held at Shahnasarian
    Hall in the All Saints Community Center.
    [image: p3 hmem 300x199 Chicago Holds Rally in Support of Syrian Armenians]

    Homenetmen scouts during the event

    Master of Ceremonies Armen Papazian welcomed the crowd and invited the
    Homenetmen Scouts to perform the presentation of the colors ceremony and the
    singing of the U.S. and Armenian national anthems. In his opening remarks,
    Papazian noted that although the event was intended to be a celebration of
    the ARF's 122nd anniversary, the `Christapor' *Gomideh* - determining that
    the deteriorating situation and endangerment of the Armenian community in
    Syria required an immediate response by the Chicago community - instead
    dedicated the event to Syrian Armenian Relief.

    Vasken Aivazian was then invited to give a brief history of the
    Armenian community in Syria. He noted some of the many contributions
    by Syrian-Armenians to the Armenian nation. The community, he said,
    has been a crucible that has forged many great leaders for the
    diaspora. Chicago Hamazkayin Chair Haroutiun Mikaelian then gave a
    personal account of growing up in Aleppo, which instilled in him a
    life-long love of Armenian culture. He touched upon how his teachers
    and community leaders helped to shape his life and the lives of others
    from his generation.

    Papazian then introduced the evening's guest speaker, Hairenik Editor Zaven
    Torikian. To provide perspective on the situation in Syria, Torikian began
    his remarks by comparing and contrasting the progression of attempts at regime
    change that recently swept across North Africa to the Arabian peninsula,
    and finally reached Jordan and Syria. He pointed out how, unlike in Libya
    where the Western powers took a direct and active role in the overthrow of
    Qadaffi, in Syria the U.S. worked through proxies, notably Turkey, Saudi
    Arabia, and Qatar. He noted that this battle was seen not solely for
    gaining control of Syria, but as an attempt to reduce Iran's influence in
    the region.

    Torikian added that while some Armenians had decided to support the Free
    Syrian Army, and others sided with the Assad government, the vast majority
    of Armenians have tried to stay neutral, attempting to emulate the position
    of the Lebanese-Armenian community during Lebanon's civil war. He also
    explained that the Free Syrian Army - heavily influenced by Turkey - is viewed
    with suspicion by many; the army contains, for example, an `Ataturk'
    Brigade and even an `Enver Pasha' brigade.

    He went on to discuss how, until recently, many Armenians were fairly well
    removed from the fighting, which occurred primarily outside of Aleppo. As
    the fighting has begun to reach Armenian neighborhoods in Aleppo, however,
    Armenian organizations have mobilized to help address the critical needs of
    the community, including food distribution. Torikian's comments were
    followed by a brief question and answer session.

    Papazian then invited `Christapor' *Gomideh*representative Greg Bedian
    to provide closing remarks. Bedian began by reiterating some of the
    many contributions of the Syrian-Armenians to the Armenian nation. He
    noted how Syrian-Armenians had provided aid to Armenians during the
    Lebanese Civil War; to Armenia following the earthquake and the
    Arstakh liberation struggle; and how they had sheltered Iraqi
    Armenians during the two wars in Iraq and the chaos that
    followed. Bedian concluded his remarks and began the fundraising
    portion of the program by stating that it was the Chicago community's
    turn to give assistance to the Syrian-Armenian community, to
    demonstrate our solidarity, and provide them with both the moral and
    financial support that they need.

    Participating organizations in the Syrian Armenian Relief rally included
    the Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church, Armenian Evangelical Church of
    Chicago, Armenian General Benevolent Union Chicago Chapter, Armenian
    National Committee of Illinois, Armenian Relief Society `Zabelle' Chapter,
    Armenian Youth Federation `Ararat' Chapter, Hamazkayin Chicago Chapter,
    Homenetmen Chicago Chapter, and the Taniel Varoujan Armenian School.
