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BP joins the list of Azerbaijan's enemies

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  • BP joins the list of Azerbaijan's enemies

    BP joins the list of Azerbaijan's enemies

    Ilham Aliyev becomes increasingly unpredictable for the international
    community, and there is nothing left but pull him up.

    British Petroleum (BP) has joined the list of `ill-wishers', or even
    enemies or Ilham Aliyev and the whole independent Azerbaijan. Aliyev
    accused the company of drastic reduction of oil production in Caspian
    shelf Azeri and Chirag oil fields.
    October 13, 2012
    PanARMENIAN.Net - Speaking at a governmental session discussing the
    outcomes of the country's social-economic development in the first
    nine months of the current year, Aliyev declared: `Numerous mistakes
    of the consortium resulted in drastic decrease of oil production in
    Azeri and Chirag oil fields over the past years', adding that the
    decline was recorded since 2008. The president claimed that the
    volumes of the distributed profitable oil were altered to make 75/25
    in Azerbaijan's favour, and noted that Azerbaijan received $8,1billion
    less income. Aliyev went further to stress that `erroneous forecasts
    are unacceptable' and `such relations are impossible in the
    international business'.

    However, BP is not to blame for this - ten years ago experts stated
    that reserves of Baku oil are not endless, expected to be exhausted by
    2017. The administration of Azerbaijani president took no heed to the
    voice of reason and is now actually paying for its mistakes. British
    Petroleum has nothing to do with this; Aliyev will blame another
    company next, then SOCAR's turn will come as well.

    The problem seems to have a quite different aspect. Ilham Aliyev
    becomes increasingly unpredictable for the international community,
    and there is nothing left but pull him up. Still, nobody will rebuke
    him too toughly: presidential elections are due in almost a year. It
    may also `turn out' during this year that Baku uses another Caspian
    sector, in particular, Turkmenistan's and Iranian one, for oil
    production. And if the West may forgive infringement of Iranian oil,
    it will hardly overlook the use of Turkmenistan's one.

    It is worth reminding that Baku fixed its eyes on Turkmenistan in
    early July. The reason lies in the Caspian oil fields; both Azerbaijan
    and Ashgabat claiming ownership of these. Turkmenistan's Foreign
    Ministry disseminated a press release saying: `The Foreign Ministry of
    Turkmenistan declares that official diplomatic notes have repeatedly
    been sent to Azerbaijan with regard to Azerbaijan's unilateral illegal
    actions in Caspian Sea, namely the illegal development of Omar and
    Osman oil fields, as well as unlawful claims on Serdar oil field.'

    In its official statement, Turkmenistan voiced its readiness to
    continue the negotiation process over the issue above, emphasizing
    that in case no bilateral agreement is reached, Turkmenistan reserves
    the right to address the international court and arbitration

    In addition, on August 4, 2009 Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry
    published the country's official stance on the Caspian Sea bed
    delimitation, which also mentioned the expediency of applying to the
    International Court.'

    Meanwhile, all countries of the basin are building up their military
    potential, and all talks may simply end up in hostilities between
    them. Currently the major challenge of the region is namely the
    Caspian issue, and to some extent, the Karabakh conflict resolution
    depends on how it will be settled. Baku faces another danger as well -
    the indigenous nations of Azerbaijan, Talysh, Lezgian, Udi people
    which constitute the main staff of Azerbaijani armed forces. They will
    hardly believe Baku's promises again and fight for alien interests.

    Aliyev is now threatening BP whose power and influence cannot be
    compared to ambitions of official Baku. So, there are two options
    here: oil companies will either increase the oil production, which is
    unreal, or they will gradually withdraw the assets. The latter seems
    more feasible. Despite this, the big game is still to come, and
    Aliyev's future depends more on Iran that on the West; unlike Erdogan,
    Iran will not be too polite with its `fellow Muslims'.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian
