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Quirks of Ukrainian election campaign

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  • Quirks of Ukrainian election campaign

    Voice of Russia
    Oct 12 2012

    Quirks of Ukrainian election campaign

    The Armenian Diaspora addressed the administration of the Kharkov
    region offering financial support to the Party of Regions'
    pre-election campaign. In exchange for that, the Armenians suggest
    that the Ukrainian authorities should no less than consider
    recognizing the genocide of the Armenian people. In any case, the
    Ukrainian FORUM.GIGA.UA Internet forum asserts that information.
    On the FORUM.GIGA.UA forum, journalists of our radio station came
    across an alleged photocopy of a letter marked `secret', printed on
    the letterhead of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and looking
    rather like an internal document of the special services. The document
    is not dated, and we can't confirm its authenticity. However, the
    letter is addressed to President Viktor Yanukovych and is not
    registered, that is, there is no incoming number, which is usually
    written down by the Secretariat. The letter is signed `V.
    Khoroshkovsky', and the position of the author is stated as `Golova'
    (Head). Perhaps, this is the current First Vice Premier of Ukraine
    Valery Khoroshkovsky. Previously, until this January, he was heading
    the Ukrainian Security Service. At the top of the document there is a
    visa `To Azarov N. Y.', apparently, pointing at the Prime Minister and
    the first person in the Party of Regions' list for the upcoming

    The document tells about certain representatives of the Armenian
    Diaspora in Kharkov, who addressed the regional administration and
    personally the head of the region Mikhail Dobkin offering financial
    support to the Party of Regions at the parliamentary elections. In
    exchange for this offer, Head of the Armenian Community Mr.
    Khandemiryan suggested that a bill `on recognition of the genocide of
    the Armenian people' should be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. The
    Voice of Russia asked Head of the Kharkov region Mikhail Dobkin to
    acknowledge the receipt of the letter, but he refused to comment on
    the situation.

    But the behavior of the Armenian Diaspora is a really interesting
    nuance of this story, especially their ambiguous proposal. The letter
    states that Khandemiryan `supports the political course of the Party
    of Regions'. According to the document, representatives of the
    Armenian community suggest paying attention `to the experience of
    European countries' regarding the recognition of the genocide, as well
    as to regional initiatives of the Izium, Uzhgorod, Cherkassy and Kiev
    city councils. The representatives of the Diaspora also refer to `the
    official Yerevan', stating that in Armenia their initiative was
    allegedly supported at the highest level.

    By the way, the genocide of Armenians is recognized by several
    European states, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.
    Some countries have more than once passed resolutions condemning the
    deeds of the Ottoman Empire. As for Ukraine, the fact of the
    extermination of the Armenian people is officially recognized only by
    the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. But the copy of the letter to the
    SBU shows that the Armenian Diaspora by all means seeks to ensure that
    the events of the beginning of the 20th century are recognized
    throughout the country.

    It is noteworthy that the solution of the European states was based on
    the evidence, which took many years to collect and which persuaded the
    parliamentarians that the massacre at the borders of the Ottoman
    Empire was systematic and directed against a certain nation. However,
    the Ukrainian Armenians have, apparently, chosen another way - based
    not on the evidence, but on finances.

    Unfortunately, we have failed to come in touch with the Armenian
    National Community. But one of the Diaspora's representatives in
    Ukraine, Armenian artist Boris Yeghiazarian, believes that it is
    necessary to recognize the fact of the genocide:

    `If states recognize the facts of the genocide that took place, if
    many states recognize them, then Turkey will have to recognize this
    fact, too. And this will lead to specific consequences. I mean, first
    of all, to correcting historical injustice in order not to allow its
    repetition. A lot of Armenians live in Turkey now. The genocide took
    place and it was terrible, scary: one and a half million Armenians
    were killed, who were living on their own land'.

    The Armenian community of Ukraine has already appealed to the
    authorities with the request to officially recognize the fact of the
    genocide. In May 2011, the Narodna Rada, which unites four and a half
    thousand organizations, wrote an open letter to the President of
    Ukraine. If we are to believe the document posted on the Internet, now
    the Diaspora has decided to take another approach to the problem.
    Instead of letters it now offers financial support to the party in
    power, and a peculiar one at that. The thing is that it will be
    granted through purchasing some real estate from the Avantazh
    investment-construction company, one of the sponsors of the Party of
    Regions' local branch.

    But such a step will not bring the members of the Diaspora closer to
    their goal. Even hypothetically, a regional financing of the party in
    power cannot outweigh the national interests of the country, the
    political analyst at the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
    Vladimir Gorbach believes. According to him, as far as international
    policy is concerned, relations with Turkey are of a higher priority
    for Ukraine than relations with Armenia.

    `Relations with Turkey are of a higher priority for us in respect of
    both economy and politics, and even in respect of logistics. Of
    course, Turkey is more important in respect of economy, than Armenia.
    Turkey will not recognize the genocide of Armenians in the current
    Turkish territory. For them, it is one of the priorities of their
    foreign policy. Among other things, they build their relations with
    other countries on the basis of this quite symbolic and important
    issue. There are not too many links between Ukraine and Armenia as
    regards both economy and relations. For example, let's take the
    balance between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a closer partner
    of Ukraine, than Armenia. This is connected with oil and gas, and
    military supplies, too. Moreover, friendship at the level of the
    peoples should be regarded by itself, while such purely pragmatic,
    first of all, economic and geo-economic, calculations make the
    recognition of the genocide of Armenians in Turkey at the beginning of
    the 20th century an undesirable risk for Ukraine.'

    According to the copy of the document posted on the Internet, the
    official Kiev advises the Kharkov authorities `to refrain from any
    specific response' to such proposals, and first of all, consult with
    higher authorities, and only then make final decisions. The Party of
    Regions' election campaign is the most expensive one in comparison
    with all other political forces of the country.

    Kiev, Voice of Russia.
