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ANKARA: Iran to turn ECO into paper organization

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  • ANKARA: Iran to turn ECO into paper organization

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 15 2012

    Iran to turn ECO into paper organization


    The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), the gathering of 10
    countries -- Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan,
    Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan -- in
    the Eurasia region, is rapidly becoming an empty talking shop, thanks
    but no thanks to increasingly isolated Iran. Iran's unilateral efforts
    to turn this organization into an anti-Western forum are hampering the
    development of ECO into a credible regional economic organization. It
    also complicates already existing intra-group differences within ECO.

    To be frank, nothing substantial will come out of the 20th Meeting of
    the Council of Ministers and the 12th Summit of Heads of
    State/Government of ECO held on Oct. 15 and 16, respectively, in
    Azerbaijan. The participation of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an
    and Foreign Minister Ahmet DavutoÄ?lu as well as other leading
    dignitaries to these meetings will serve merely as a photo opportunity
    for the press.

    Though Iran is desperate to seize on the ECO summit to raise its
    profile, battered in the region with its nuclear ambitions and its
    stand on Syria, nobody expects Tehran to get anything of considerable
    value out of this organization. Since the last summit held in Ä°stanbul
    two years ago, the regional and global outlook for Iran has
    deteriorated further with new sanctions slapped on by the UN as well
    as the US and EU. Therefore, it is not surprising to see Iranians
    rallying to utilize regional organizations like ECO or global ones
    like the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to mitigate the effects of

    Iran lacks the will to put anything valuable on the table in return
    for increased recognition from its regional partners within ECO.
    Despite the fact that ECO is headquartered in Tehran, we have not
    witnessed so far a significant effort from Iranians to turn this
    organization into a real hub for economic cooperation. Rather Iran has
    tried to use ECO as its own propaganda machine, for which it has
    raised eyebrows in a number of capitals in ECO member states.

    There have been numerous proposals floated by member states for ECO
    over the years, but many remain unfulfilled. For instance, the ECO
    Trade Agreement (ECOTA) was not signed and ratified by all members.
    There was no progress to report in the last ECOTA meeting held in
    Ankara in early October 2012. The group announced that tariff
    concessions will start as of January 2013, but there is no full
    agreement on the list of goods that participating states see as
    sensitive for their national economies. As such, trade liberalization
    even among the few committed countries of ECO is far from realization.

    ECO's action plan to develop energy and petroleum cooperation that
    covers the 2011 to 2015 period was dealt a huge blow when US financial
    sanctions on the Iranian oil and banking industry were put into
    effect. Turkey has to slash its oil imports from Iran substantially
    while cutting back on financial transactions with Iran. The report
    issued by a high-level experts' group meeting on energy within ECO, in
    which six countries participated in the last gathering in Ankara in
    September 2012, was very bleak. Turkey has also abandoned its
    investment schemes in developing the Iranian South Pars gas field
    after Tehran tried to shortchange Ankara with less-than-promising
    plots there. The lingering Azerbaijani and Iranian problems on Caspian
    delimitation issues is also thwarting energy cooperation within ECO.

    ECO is planning to discuss a draft proposal to establish a
    Parliamentary Assembly (PAECO) for the organization in this summit. In
    the Baku meeting, participants will probably approve the draft, agreed
    to in a meeting held in Pakistan in September 2012 to establish the
    assembly. But judging from Iranian lawmakers' comments on the proposal
    so far, I'm afraid Iran will turn the original idea of Dr. Fehmida
    Mirza, Pakistan's parliament speaker, into another West-bashing club
    rather than an important legislative forum to discuss real issues for
    the region.

    Again, not all members of ECO signed the agreement for the
    Ä°stanbul-based ECOBANK, which was established formally in 1995 among
    Turkey, Iran and Pakistan but became operational only in 2008. The
    funds available for the bank are very limited ($450 million paid-in
    capital), and it can finance only a few projects. It also needs to
    tread carefully in order to not run afoul of UN sanctions on Iran, one
    of ECOBANK's founding members, as well as with unilateral ones imposed
    by the US and the EU. Turkish concerns on this were made public in
    Parliament last May when lawmakers were debating the amendment of the
    ECO agreement. The lack of willingness on the part of other ECO
    members to join in the bank, already under surveillance by Americans,
    is also visible. For example, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
    announced his country's intention to join the bank in 2010, but Baku
    signed the agreement only late last month. It has not ratified it yet.
    Afghanistan also signed in March 2012 but has not ratified it.

    Another proposal is also delayed because of concerns over Iranian
    sanctions. The ECO online money order system through postal services,
    being developed among Azerbaijan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, was
    halted with other ECO members not looking favorably on the proposal.
    The fear is that Iranian businesses tied to the Revolutionary Guards
    may try to use this system to bypass financial sanctions. The meeting
    of the ECO Postal Authorities, scheduled for September 2012 in Tehran,
    is not expected to break any ground on this proposal.

    The lackluster performance of the core group within this organization
    -- established among Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran in 2011 as part of
    the trilateral process -- must be an indication that ECO is being
    hindered by its own internal problems as well. Iran has started to
    provide support to Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorism against
    Turkey while adopting a more belligerent attitude against neighboring
    Azerbaijan. There is a huge trust gap that Ankara and Baku feel
    towards Tehran.

    Iran talks the talk in ostensibly assisting Azerbaijan in resolving
    its problems with neighboring Armenia, a country that illegally
    occupies some 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory. But in reality
    Tehran continues to throw a lifeline to Armenia with energy and trade
    deals. It also threatens to block the corridor linking Azerbaijan to
    Nakhchivan, which receives most supplies, including gas, trade and
    other services, from Azerbaijan via the Iranian route. The tension
    became evident when Azerbaijan was prepared to waive visas for Turkish
    nationals in 2009 during which Iran issued an ultimatum to cut off the
    critical supply line between Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan. Azerbaijan had
    to back out of the deal at the last minute.

    On transportation, the fact that Iran continues to implement its
    practice of favoring Iranian truckers over others seriously hampers
    cooperation among ECO members. Since many ECO proposals regarding
    transportation and logistics center on Iran as the hub because of the
    country's geographical location among transport routes, the
    uncooperative attitude of Iran on these proposals impedes the
    realization of proposals. There are also financial difficulties in
    funding projects like a container train on the
    Islamabad-Tehran-Ä°stanbul route.

    The ECO region boasts a market of 400 million consumers with $680
    billion in total trade volume as of 2010. But intra-group trade
    constitutes only 7 percent of this, amounting to $47.6 billon. It has
    not changed much compared to earlier years. I believe ECO will not go
    anywhere as long as Iran is only interested in exploiting this
    economic organization for its own national interests at the expense of
    other member states while trying to take advantage of ECO's regional
    role to stop Tehran's growing international isolation.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress