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Turkey grounds Armenian plane in growing de facto air blockade of Sy

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  • Turkey grounds Armenian plane in growing de facto air blockade of Sy

    Christian Science Monitor
    Oct 15 2012

    Turkey grounds Armenian plane in growing de facto air blockade of Syria

    A week after raising Russian ire by grounding a plane traveling from
    Russia to Syria, Turkey grounded an Armenian airliner - this time in a
    routine check arranged in a recently inked agreement.

    By Arthur Bright, Staff writer / October 15, 2012

    A week after Turkey forced down a Syrian passenger jet allegedly
    carrying illegal cargo, irking Russia and Syria, Turkey has brought
    down an Armenian aircraft for inspection in an apparent expansion of a
    de facto air blockade of Syria from the north.

    The Turkish deputy prime minister said today that the Armenian plane,
    which was reportedly carrying humanitarian aid, passed inspection and
    was allowed to continue on to Syria, reports Reuters. Unlike the
    earlier Syrian flight from Moscow, Armenian officials had been
    informed ahead of time that the aircraft would be subject to
    inspection, Turkish officials told Reuters. Armenian officials
    confirmed this to news agency Armenpress.

    The plane's grounding appears to be part of an expansion of Turkish
    efforts to do what it can to prevent weapons from reaching the regime
    of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Over the weekend, Turkey and
    Syria each banned the other's aircraft from its own airspace.

    Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News reports that Armenia and Turkey
    previously agreed that Armenia would provide humanitarian aid for
    Syria as long as it allowed Turkey to do a routine security check on
    every Syria-bound Armenian plane (the most direct flight path between
    Armenia and Syria passes over eastern Turkey). Turkish Foreign
    Ministry spokesman Tigran Balayan said the grounding was "nothing

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also slammed the United
    Nations Security Council over the weekend for failing to act on the
    Syrian crisis in accord with what he says is the world's popular will,
    writes The Guardian. Mr. Erdogan said that if the council was unable
    to reach agreement on what to do about Syria because of the opposition
    of one or two parties to intervention - a thinly veiled reference to
    Russia and China, which have both vetoed previous Security Council
    resolutions on Syria - the body should be reformed.

    "If we leave the issue to the vote of one or two members of the
    permanent five at the United Nations security council, then the
    aftermath of Syria will be very hazardous and humanity will write it
    down in history with unforgettable remarks," Erdogan said. "It's high
    time to consider a structural change for international institutions,
    especially for the UN security council."

    The situation in Syria has strained ties between Turkey and Russia,
    whose relations have been warming since the end of the cold war.
    Although Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Voice of Russia
    that Turkish-Russian relations are "developing on a firm and solid
    basis," Russia's intransigent support for the Assad regime is at odds
    with Turkey and much of the world. This may be due to Russian
    President Vladimir Putin's personal suspicions of the West, The
    Christian Science Monitor reported last week.

    "Russia's ongoing support for Assad is totally ideological," says
    [Alexander Golts, military columnist for the online newspaper
    Yezhednevny Zhurnal]. "Putin is certain that all this turmoil with the
    Arab Spring is the result of a CIA conspiracy, and he sees it as his
    personal duty to struggle against it."

    The Monitor also notes that despite Russia's insistence that there
    were no weapons on board the Syrian plane, the legal situation
    regarding the jet's grounding remain murky.

    "Russia's position is that it's illegal to force a plane to land in
    this way. It's only done if an aircraft diverges from its assigned
    route or it represents a threat to the country it's flying over," he

    "On the other hand, it does seem that if the plane was carrying radar
    parts from air defense systems, as reported, then that's a military
    cargo that shouldn't be hauled aboard a civilian plane. Now it's up to
    lawyers to sort it out," he adds.

    In addition, Russia's argument that there were no weapons on board may
    be beside the point. According to Article 35 of the Convention on
    International Civil Aviation, of which almost every UN member -
    including Russia, Syria, and Turkey - are signatories, "No munitions
    of war or implements of war may be carried in or above the territory
    of a State in aircraft engaged in international navigation, except by
    permission of such State."

    The convention does not define the terms "munitions of war or
    implements of war," but rather leaves them to be defined by each state
    per its own regulations.

    As a result, while Russia may be correct that the Syrian passenger
    plane was transporting only radar parts - reportedly for an
    anti-aircraft system - and not weapons or ammunition, those parts may
    still run afoul of international law. While weapons and ammo are
    undeniably "munitions of war," Turkey could argue that an
    anti-aircraft radar can also be considered an "implement of war," as
    its purpose is solely military (if defensive).

    From: Baghdasarian