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Community development program launched in Tatev (video, photos)

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  • Community development program launched in Tatev (video, photos)

    Community development program launched in Tatev (video, photos)
    2012-10-15 12:29:47

    Yesterday, on October 14, along with the United Nations Development
    Program and the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia
    launched the Community development program in Tatev.
    As the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia CEO Arman
    Khachaturyan mentioned, the goal of the program is the restoration and
    preservation of historical and cultural heritage, the revelation and
    the balanced development on the grounds of target application of new
    tourism values.
    The program is aimed at ensuring the restoration of the 9th century
    Tatev monastic complex and its surrounding areas. This program also
    includes the eight rural communities around the monastery," said Arman
    Khachaturyan in the interview with journalists.
    The festive launch of the program was attended by `Tatev Monastery'
    abbot Reverend Father Michael Kevorkian, who blessed and wished
    success to this process.
    The Community development program in Tatev designed to build a retail
    market of agricultural products, which will allow local residents to
    sell their products to tourists without a mediator. At present the
    tourists in Tatev rush to return back because of the lack of places to
    spend a night. Therefore, the residents of the community will be given
    the chance to improve their living standards, adapt them to the
    standards of tourism houses and dispose them to tourists, thus
    stimulating the development of tourism, the drainage system of the
    community and the water supply problems are to be improved as well.
    The launching ceremony was also attended by the United Nations
    Development Program Country Office Representative Hripsime Manukyan,
    who, stressing the importance of the program, considered it as a
    stimulating measure of comprehensive development.
    "We disclose to community needs, determine their priorities and select
    a strategy. Classify the disclosed prblems in accordance with their
    infrastructure, income creating programs, but only those which are
    aimed at the development tourism,' she mentioned.
    One of the villagers stated in the interview with a
    journalist that the implementation of this program may cause a
    creation of jobs for the youth in the village, so they won't leave
    their already `dying' village.

    by Nelly Avetisyan and Azatuhi Araskhanyan
