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Oskanian shares concerns of Armenia's foreign investment records

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  • Oskanian shares concerns of Armenia's foreign investment records

    Oskanian shares concerns of Armenia's foreign investment records
    12:50 - 15.10.12

    Ex-Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, who is now lawmaker of the
    Prosperous Armenia party, has shared his concerns over Armenia's
    foreign investment statistics in a new Facebook post.

    The politician particularly notes that the foreign investments in the
    first six months of 2012 decreased by 40% compared to the same period
    of last year, and suffered a 60% drop in the second trimester.

    `Any investor, whether foreign or local, considers the country's
    macro-economic records - economic growth, inflation, foreign trade
    balance, state debt etc. - while making a decision.

    Also, inevitably, account is taken of the implementation of and
    respect for the basic principles of free market relations, i.e. free
    competition, equal conditions and immunity of property.

    But there are also factors beyond economics, which essentially impact
    investors' decisions. I was recently talking to successful and serious
    people from Syria, who had material resources and knowledge in the
    manufacturing sector. Despite their potentials and desire to make an
    investment in Armenia, they have serious concerns and reservations
    which can be summed up in the following four points.

    1. Hope and belief in the country's future: The hope and trust in the
    country's future is necessary not only for making investments but also
    halting migration form Armenia. The inspiration of such hope should
    emanate first of all from those in power, from their words and
    actions. It also has to come from the political system which has to
    ensure the necessary mechanism of balances and the free and healthy
    debate over the prospects and alternative ways of the country's

    2. Uncertainties: Certainty and the investor and consumer's
    expectations are the most important factor for boosting economy. Both
    the legal platform and expectations are strictly gloomy in that
    respect, with the tax legislation changing all the time in the last
    couple of years and rumors about future changes continuing endlessly.

    3. Justice: Any investor has a serious concern that in case of having
    a problem, especially with someone holding a political leverage, he
    cannot trust justice. There is also a serious concern here in terms of
    discriminatory justice. with government bodies being used for solving
    certain problems without any legal justification.

    4. Peace and stability: This issue is naturally on everybody's mind.
    Today, more than ever before, this is a serious obstacle to
    investments. Azerbaijan is unconditionally supplying itself with arms,
    adopting a stricter military rhetoric and committing more frequent
    violations of the ceasefire across the Line of Contact, with the
    negotiation process again having reached a stalemate,' Says Oskanyan.
