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ANKARA: MHP leader slams government on Syria policy

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  • ANKARA: MHP leader slams government on Syria policy

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 16 2012

    MHP leader slams government on Syria policy

    16 October 2012 / TODAY'S ZAMAN, Ä°STANBUL

    Leaders of the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the
    Republican People's Party (CHP) have directed harsh criticism toward
    the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government regarding
    Turkey's recent foreign policy on Syria, accusing the government of
    dragging Turkey into dangerous territory.

    Speaking at his party's parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday, MHP
    leader Devlet Bahçeli said recent tension sparked by Turkey forcing a
    Syrian passenger plane to land in Ä°stanbul on the suspicion that it
    had military equipment on board, and then confiscating a number of
    boxes on the plane, was an indicator of everything that is wrong with
    the government's policy on Syria. `Whether any weapons were found on
    the plane is the subject of another discussion,' he said, adding: `It
    has been suggested that perhaps only radar equipment was found. If
    that is the case, the AK Party government has been misled. The efforts
    to use Turkey as a pawn in a fight between other countries will not

    He recalled that an Armenian cargo plane was also inspected by Turkish
    authorities on Monday. `These interventions must be measured. Steps
    that might provoke the other side should be avoided. The AK Party
    government knowingly jumped into a pit of fire, and is feeding the
    flames,' he said.

    Bahçeli said the government is dragging the Syrian affair into an
    unmanageable situation. `Syria has now closed its airspace to Turkish
    aircraft in retaliation, and the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey
    has skyrocketed.'

    He further criticized the government for its lack of action against
    the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) bases in Kandil, northern
    Iraq, while being dangerously active in Syria, saying, `Those who
    won't even speak of going to Kandil, only one hour from here, say
    Damascus is only three hours away.' The MHP leader said the nation
    wants to see the Turkish flag raised in Kandil and not in Damascus.

    Bahçeli also recalled that ErdoÄ?an has criticized the permanent
    members of the UN, saying they have too much power to decide for the
    rest of the world and that the organization is unjust and should be
    reformed. `It is an embarrassment that the prime minister is saying
    this,' he said. Bahçeli noted that he found it odd that it was only
    now occurring to the prime minister that the global political scene is
    structured unjustly.

    He also claimed that the prime minister is making plans in
    anticipation of an overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria. `Turkey is
    risking enormous harm. The AK Party is being used as an instrument for
    ugly propaganda being carried out [regarding Syria].'

    CHP leader Kemal KılıçdaroÄ?lu also addressed his party's parliamentary
    group meeting on Tuesday. He had harsh words for Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip ErdoÄ?an.

    KılıçdaroÄ?lu claimed that ErdoÄ?an, unable to handle criticism, was
    instead attacking the opposition and accusing the CHP of being
    pro-Assad or pro-Baath. KılıçdaroÄ?lu said the prime minister's
    accusations were an attempt to deflect his own responsibility and
    cover up for the government's incompetence.

    `We have never defended the Assad regime. We have criticized Assad,'
    he said. `He [ErdoÄ?an] called us pro-Baath. We never defended the
    Baath ideology. We have lost thousands of martyrs in the deserts of
    Yemen and Africa. They paid a price, and now you want to make young
    people pay the same price once again,' he continued, addressing

    Echoing Bahçeli's accusation that the government was being used in a
    bigger plan for Syria, KılıçdaroÄ?lu said: `The US administration says
    `we are working hand in glove with Turkey.' There is an attempt to
    drag Turkey into the mire of the Middle East.' He also accused the
    government of training and arming refugees to fight against the Syrian
