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Airport in Karabakh

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  • Airport in Karabakh

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Oct 16 2012

    Airport in Karabakh

    16 October 2012 - 8:58am

    Orkhan Sattarov. Exclusively to VK

    The situation over the planned airport in Nagorno-Karabakh which
    caused a sharp reaction from Baku is involving more and more
    participants. The Azerbaijani information agency APA cites independent
    diplomatic sources as saying that Azerbaijan and Turkey have achieved
    an agreement on closing their airspace for Armenia if the airport in
    Nagorno-Karabakh is launched into operation.

    Several Turkish PMs developed a project of a corresponded resolution
    in the parliament. An agreement between civil aviation administrative
    structures of Azerbaijan and Turkey was reached, according to the
    agency. It is interesting that this information spread a week ago
    wasn't disposed either by Baku or Ankara: it means purposeful stove
    piping - a direct signal to Yerevan. Closing of the Turkish air space
    would be a serious challenge for Armenia.

    It seems Armenia understood the signal and decided to relocate the
    missile defense system S-300 to the Azerbaijani border. The analysis
    of recent pictures made from space shows changes which might seriously
    influence the missile defense situation in the Caucasus.

    The military analysis center located in the US, IMINT, published
    satellite pictures of Russian and Armenian missile defense systems in
    the region. `The pictures show appearance of new S-300 complexes in
    Armenia and the Georgian province of Abkhazia. Both places of
    dislocation have a great potential for launching,' the expert Sean
    O'Connor says. Turan reports that till 2008 Armenia imported
    components of at least three S-300s and changed old S-125 for defense
    of Yerevan. Russia located two more S-300s in the province of Syunik
    near Goris and Kagnut in 7 km from Nagorno-Karabakh in 2010. `The
    systems use the mobile radar 5N63S and the low height radar,' the same
    source notes.

    S-300s situated near Nagorno-Karabakh can cover the airport near
    Khankendi as a supplement to S-125 situated there. Moreover, such
    location of S-300 covers the existing air gap and enables Armenia to
    block the air communication between Azerbaijan and Nakhichyvan.

    The situation over the airport might cause escalation of the conflict
    and even resumption of hostilities. If Azerbaijan tried to intercept a
    plane of separatists in the Karabakh sky by means of fighter
    aircrafts, Armenia would use its missile defense system and a
    full-scaled military operation would begin.

    The situation is worsened by the fact that presidential elections will
    take place in both republics next year. None of leaders want to yield
    in such a delicate issue, considering sensitive perception of
    everything connected with Nagorno-Karabakh by both sides. Operation of
    the KArabakh airport without negative consequences for Armenia means a
    failure of Azerbaijan; yielding to Azerbaijan and Turkey by Armenia
    means another slap in the Armenian authorities' face.

    Speaking about the legal aspect of the problem, all trumps belong to
    Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh is not recognized even by Armenia and
    conduction of flights by the separatist regime violates the air space
    of Azerbaijan which is legally recognized by the international
