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What Iranian Americans Can Learn From Other Communities

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  • What Iranian Americans Can Learn From Other Communities

    National Iranian American Council
    Oct 16 2012

    What Iranian Americans Can Learn From Other Communities

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012
    By: NIAC Staff - News

    Washington, DC - `If you do not manage your differences, others will
    manage them for you,' observed Aram Hampurian, spokesman for the
    Armenian National Committee of America, speaking on a panel along with
    the head of Arab American Institute (AAI) and former head of American
    Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

    Moderated by Noosheen Hashemi, President and Co-Founder of the HAND
    Foundation, the panelists provided attendees of the National Iranian
    American Council Leadership Conference with guidance from top ethnic
    organizations on how best to mobilize civic participation and impact
    policy in Washington.

    Former AIPAC president Tom Dine highlighted the philosophies that he
    said contributed to the success of AIPAC in becoming an enormously
    powerful lobby group despite being relatively small in numbers. He
    underlined the importance of having a clearly defined mission, as well
    as coordination between advocacy efforts in Washington and at the
    grass roots level.

    Dine emphasized the importance of active participation in the
    political process, including informed civic political action among
    ordinary people at the grassroots level. `Grassroots political
    action,' Dine stressed. `It's just not grass roots - that's where you
    live - it's what you do where you live.'

    Strengthening the Iranian-American community, Dine counseled, begins
    with the most basic social relationships. `Its starts within your own
    family, and then your neighbors, those with whom you work, and those
    with whom you play,' he continued, `in building a consensus, in
    building a coalition, you befriend people and you explain to people
    what you believe in and how this can serve America.'

    `The people that make up the national leadership of our country,
    they've all come from school boards, county this, state representative
    that. Get `em early, get `em often and stick with `em. They're looking
    for friends.'

    Dine also highlighted his own efforts to mobilize AIPAC on college
    campuses, which Hampurian also noted was critical to Armenian-American
    efforts. Organizing Armenian Americans on campus, Hampurian said,
    ultimately resulted in Armenian Americans being elected to office and
    being `on the other side of the door' in the lobbying process.

    James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute,
    discussed how his organization has increased the Arab-American voice
    in the political process. He noted that Arab Americans comprised just
    4 delegates at the 1984 Democratic Convention, but that number has
    grown to 55 this year. While crediting that success in large part to
    the emergence of cultural nationalism within his community, he also
    noted that Arab Americans faced serious difficulties as the community
    grew, including what he hinted were efforts by AIPAC to undermine his

    `We had another community that delegitimized, that didn't want us
    involved, that did everything they possibly could to malign us, or
    marginalize us, or in some cases demonize us.' Zogby said that fully
    embracing - even insisting on - his community's identity as American
    was critical in countering attempts to differentiate Arab Americans on
    the basis of ethnic roots.

    He also counseled that resolving internal divisiveness as a community
    was essential to standing up to any opposition. AAI and its members,
    Zogby said, `had to overcome internal difficulties' to be successful.
    `With new immigrants everyday there is constantly the issue of
    division and complex identities from back home.' He compared this to
    the Iranian-American experience, arguing that `despite being one
    country, Iran is as complex, in many ways.' This complexity
    necessitates an affirmative understanding of identity. `Knowing who
    you are is very important, knowing the differences, knowing what the
    common ground themes are is important, but also knowing what the
    issues are that divide you are important - being able to either
    reconcile them or face them honestly,' Zogby said.

    Hamparian offered a template of what he said were the ingredients for
    success, including engaged constituents, consensus, an understanding
    of the political system, and a fundamental belief in democracy.
    Quoting labor organizer A. Philip Randolph, he said: `At the banquet
    table of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can
    take, and you keep what you can hold. If you can't take anything, you
    won't get anything, and if you can't hold anything, you won't keep
    anything. And you can't take anything without organization.' ctrl=-1

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress