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Five fascinating facts about wine in the Bible

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  • Five fascinating facts about wine in the Bible

    San Jose Mercury News (California)
    October 15, 2012 Monday

    Five fascinating facts about wine in the Bible

    By Jessica Yadegaran Contra Costa Times

    It is difficult to grasp that one wild grape vine, vinis vinifera,
    evolved over millions of years into what are now some 10,000 grape
    varietals, including the California chardonnay or Argentine Malbec
    that you're enjoying right ... this ... minute.

    The grape's story is central to the Bible and some of the details of
    its ancient beginnings will baffle you, including these five
    fascinating facts from "Divine Vintage: Following the Wine Trail from
    Genesis to the Modern Age" (Palgrave; $26) by Randall Haskett and Joel
    Butler. The book comes out Nov. 13.

    In 2011 the earliest winemaking facility was discovered in southern
    Armenia. An excavation at the 6,000-year-old site revealed a
    fermenting vat, the remains of a drinking cup made from animal horn,
    storage jars, dried grapes, seeds, and the presence of malvidin, a
    compound that gives red wine its color.

    According to the authors' translations, it is possible that the
    Israelites, long before Dom Perignon in Champagne, created sparkling
    wine, this one red, and difficult to control and recreate: "For a cup
    is in the hands of the Lord, and the wine foams" (Psalm 75:8).

    People assume that ancient wine was red. But new research from
    Egyptian tombs suggest that white wine was introduced as early as the
    mid-second millennium BCE.

    The first wine reviews go back to the second century CE, when
    Athenaeus describes a white wine from near Lake Mareotis (modern-day
    Egypt) that appears to be dry: "Excellent, white, fragrant, pleasant,
    easily assimilated, thin, not likely to go to the head, and diuretic."

    The ancients had a taste for well-aged wines. Thirty-year-old wines
    were placed in King Tut's tomb to be enjoyed in the afterlife.
